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A candid potrait of Philip Jones Griffiths who is, in my opinion, the world's greatest living photojournalist and author of the hugely important "Vietnam Inc."


Leica and Tri X at 400 in low light, uncropped. About 1/15th second, therefore a little blurry due to movement on face.

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This is a candid potrait of Philip Jones Griffiths who is, in my opinion, the world's greatest

living photojournalist and authour of the hugely important "Vietnam Inc." He helped, with

this publication to turn around public opinion against the War In Viet Nam and, it is said,

put an end to it. He was with the legendary Magnum photo agency and his photos have

real purpose. He is also an exceptionally nice chap. Put his name into Google and see, if

you aren't already aware, just

how important in the photographic world he is; he is also, like most truly talented people,

self effacing and more than happy to share his secrets.

I've put this here not at all considering ratings or anything but out of interest and

hopefully to spark of some

discussion about this great man.

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okay, but splashing your name across it makes it difficult to critique. why not put it in the lower right or something?
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"A candid potrait of Philip Jones Griffiths who is, in my opinion, the world's greatest living photojournalist "


Perhaps, but I bet he never splashes his name right across his snaps.

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Gareth, if you go to Magnum you'll find they watermark all their photos, but I agree with you too. I'll re-post it with a smaller watermark as soon as possible. Thanks for your constructve critiscism and taking the time to look. May I also urge you to look at Mr. Griffiths work, you may gain something from it. I didn't post this for ratings but to remind people of an important photographer. Sorry to have annoyed you. Cheers, Miles.
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Ben, I do respect your opinion because your work is good. I've altered it in the way you suggested, cheers, Miles.
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Miles, thanks, that's very kind of you to say, and means a lot to me. I'm on the way to study his work, thanks for pointing him out.
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"I just have to be careful with the copyright of this at the moment - I'll re-post it with a smaller watermark as soon as possible. "


I'm sorry, but why?

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Are you honestly saying you are not familiar with the concept of watermarking photos? You have a terms of use on your website. If you don't already know the subject of this photo I suggest you look at his work, it might inspire you to take even better pictures.Time better spent. Looking at your portfolio I can see you are attempting to be hard edged; if you want to see something rather closer to the bone look at Vietnam Inc. Good luck with developing your style and I hope you continue to capture some more of the world's problems so well. It's good to see someone on this site who is trying to make a point rather than than being a shallow ratings magnet.
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"Are you honestly saying you are not familiar with the concept of watermarking photos?"


Yes, it's ugly and pointless. So why do it.


"You have a terms of use on your website."


Indeed I do, and thank-you for taking the itme to look at my work, I do hope you noticed that my 'terms of use' is not the usual 'all rights reserved', nor are there any ugly 'watermarks'.


"Looking at your portfolio I can see you are attempting to be hard edged; if you want to see something rather closer to the bone look at Vietnam Inc."


I'm not attempting anything, I just record some of the things happen around me.


If you like things close to the bone, have you looked at http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue9711/req1.htm It might help quench your thirst for such things.


"Good luck with developing your style and I hope you continue to capture some more of the world's problems."


You are so kind! As for the world's problems, they are our problems.


Oh, and Miles, I am familar with the work of, as indeed many are one Philip Jones Griffiths.

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Gareth, are you always so angry with the world? I'd like to see you do some nice macro flower shots - it might be therapeutic. p.s. Some of the best photographs ever taken are ugly - think of that Vietnamese girl Kim Phuc desperately running away after a napalm attack - but you have evidently grasped that concept quite effectively. If watermarking is pointless why do Magnum do it? What are you really getting at?
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"Gareth, are you always so angry with the world?"


I'm never angry at the world, only people.


"I'd like to see you do some nice macro flower shots - it might be therapeutic."


Not my thing Miles, I like looking at that kind of stuff, but trying to do it myself would really piss me off. What a thought.


"Good luck with your career,"


Eh? Good luck with yours, what ever it is.


"maybe it's best if we agree not to interact. "


What ever. Meanwhile, may I suggest that if you choose to post a picture on a critique forum, well you accept that that's just what you might get. You might not like it, but with luck you might find it interesting or even helpful.


Best wishes,




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You said earlier "I bet he never splashes his name right across his snaps." Wouldn't you know one way or other if you were, as you say, "familiar?" I repeat look at Magnum.
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"Calm down; so flowers piss you off do they?"


Not at all, but any serious attempt to photograph them might. I'm much happier hammering away at things.

"I can almost feel you shouting"

Something must be wrong with your reception, you should be able to hear laugthter.

"No one is trying to get at you"

Miles, even if they wanted to, they couldn't.


Anyway back to critique, why is it so grainy, it's a bit soft too, and worse than that, though you have removed the silly copyright statement, it's sadly now been replaced by an e-mail address. Oh dear oh dear!

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In your website you say: "Hello and welcome. I'm Gareth Harper and photoecosse is simply my photographic web site. That's me on the right and yes that's what happens to you if you spend too much time in the dark room." You said it.
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I'm a Instrument tech who takes pictures in his spare time. I'm not an English teacher.

You are the first person who's ever suggested my web site is pompous or the name is pretentious, though I do note that clearly you find it fascinating, which is good!

Meanwhile Miles, considering that this is a photographic critique forum, and indeed, that you are unable to discuss the substance, I'm going to have to log off this one. And (doh never start a sentence with and, doh doh doh!) that's despite the fact that this has been enormous fun.


Have a good day, and very best wishes,


Gareth Harper



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Well done Gareth; it's Friday evening and it's time for a beer. I think you must have just had one!
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Ian, how interesting, he is absolutely fascinating isn't he? He told me that he shot his last book on a point and shoot Minolta zoom on ordinary Kodak colour film and then scanned, desaturated and played with the curves to emulate the TRI X look of his older work. He does indeed have some great stories. In his books he combines the written word with photographs more powerfully than anyone I can think of. I took this with my Leica Minilux which he said he used to get some of his best shots!

Cheers, Miles.

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Last time I saw him he had an EOS with (I think) the 28-135 zoom. Said he had happily just discovered the 'P' setting!
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You lucky devil! I have all his books and I never would have guessed that he used a P&S for his latest one. I thought he was a Leica man, but obviously he does not care about the equipment.
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