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Moonlight and winding road in Ireland.


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Fantastic. This picture combines two sceneries: a fairy tale one, and a road photograph one; what is marvellous and what is quotidian... Simply wonderful.
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Excellent PS work 6/6 but you work a little on your tree tops as it fives it a way.

you need to use Background eraser tool on you foreground layer.

Looking good keep it up!

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Paolo, i like this very much, though for me, the moon's placement makes me suspect the digital manipulation a little too much. but that's me. as presented its very well done. i like the colors and the winding road a lot. you've done a good job of vividly showing a scene that passes for a night scene, which is awfully hard to do. if i think about it, i wander where the light is coming from, but i have to think about it to get there. i'd crop up a bit to include less out of focus flowers.
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Ben, thank you. The manipulation for a bigger moon is intentional. I tried to recreate the athmosphere of a dreamlike drive. How many time did we said, during a drive in a beautifull full moon night, " The moon looks bigger tonight!" ?

I will try a little more cropping at the bottom.

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A masterpiece of art (I supposse that the sky and the moon are added in PS?), I like ot a lot. Unbeliable work, I do not have adjectives to describe the pleasure of see this picture.

Great picture!

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I think you did a great job with this...the landscape definitely looks moonlit, so although it is somewhat surreal, it also has a believable quality to it....
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The moon is WRONG (in addition to being too big). It would never appear like this during the night. The bright portion always points at the sun, so this would be a day time drive.
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Topher, the moon is intentionally WRONG, as I said before. I am not trying to hide anything, I just want to convey a special mood.
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I love this image. A similar effect might be obtained if a film frame is exposed twice: the first one using a tele photo lens for the moon; the second one using a desirable wide angle lens so that the two images of the moon overlap. Although I have not done such an experiment, I have seen images created in this way here in photo.net.



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a picture of a dream. but i think it has been done totally with the photoshop, it is no longer a real photo, but a fairy combination. i have to say you have a good imagation.
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