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Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak.



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David, comming late to the "party", so everything was said already... I like birds, I'm not tired of them and not of this one.I think I will adopt your patience and shoot birds as well.

It is very beautiful and sharp ,ignor the rest! Pnina

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David, this topic has come up before with you and me. Really with all the bird pics you (we) post, it's amazing that the general masses aren't demanding carnival acts from the birds to give above a "3" or "4" rating - remember we laughed about it?


It's a niche subject in a way, just as insects (which repulse many) are.


You know I love this pic - and too know most of my own bird photos don't come near this image's sharpness. But in the end, objectively, we can't see his feet, and (again like most of mine) it's a "field guide ID" photo. The bird isn't caught in a behavior, it's not perfectly composed on an autumn-colored tree limb with early morning or late-afternoon golden sun rays. It's not tossing a fish in the air. It's not caught at 1/1000 sec. shutter speed, swooping in for a landing. On and on. If someone WANTED to say "hey, I see sharp pics of birds all the time, this one is cute, but I can't see his feet and he's just sitting there, so I'd reach for something more extraordinary next time," they could get away with it.


You know I consider you a friend, and am not beating up on your pic, man - I'm just saying that for all the awesome ratings you received on this, you really shouldn't fret about a few low rates. Some people just hate birds, and some others are indeed likely just looking for an even higher standard. Best part about the latter is that on this site, you've done a lot to SET that standard!


You wrote in the Site Feedback forum that," I knew as soon as I put this up for critique the Cowards out there who hide because their name does not show up would jump all over it!" Just so you're clear, the people that did that would have been hard-pressed to seek you out personally to rate the image. They have to enter the Rate Recent cue, and rated your pic along with many others. That's the only time, now, that the rates are anonymous. So, those namesless people likely didn't pick on you because it's "Dave's pic," but rather just that they didn't like it for whatever reason. Really, in fact, the only way they wouldn't be "cowards" by your insinuation would be to directly come to your photo and rate it. Does this make sense? I guess I'm saying that if they are cowards, then the whole site is now designed to support them, and that's really not the intention. The intention is to allow people to rate without fear of revenge rates or "mate rates."


Hey if you want your head to explode, go browse the Avian forums at www.naturescapes.net. Every time I log in there, I want to toss my gear in the trash:)

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David - don't leave, don't quit posting, and to hell with the weasel-a**ed low-raters. Anyone here more than a day has had the same problem, and now that RR is truly anonymous it's going to happen even more often -- with absolutely no way to protest. :/ Bottom line? This is an awesome shot - feet or no feet And to think you were just *standing* there!? My God... I couldn't get this close to a bird unless it was roasted and served with green beans and corn! Well done, man!


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Christopher, please don't get me started and stick up for the 3/3 or 2/2 on this picture! If it was an average picture I would not care. And if it is a bird hater person that down rated it he should not rate bird pictures because YOU are bias! And cannot rate fare because of your bias.


It is not hard for those out there that dislike someone to see them when they put up a picture for Critique under the Critique Forum and then head on over to the Rate Recent feature area and rate or skip other pictures until yours come up and knock it down and hide because there is no name with the rate! And it is very easy to do because in both areas it has a big bulls eye attacked to the picture! YOUR NAME. If they want to make these options and areas of Critique to be more fare they will have to lose our names and if the person wants to see more of your work they can click on the picture etc but NO Names!


Anyways Just wanted to say thanks to all others above for your comments and time, Thank you very much. Take care.




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David, I don't think Chris was defending the low raters. He's just explaining that they exist here on PN. It's part of posting on this site and part of human nature. It's something we all deal with. I have been known to express my opinion on the low rates myself but I don't let it bother me. I've stopped paying much attention to rates high or low.


"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."

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David, I stopped by to look at this photo after reading your post on the Site Feedback Forum. This is really a wonderful capture! I appreciate your frustration with the low ratings. I took a look at your portfolio, which is excellent and demonstrates a great deal of photographic talent.


If ratings from the "Rate Recent Photos" (RRP) queue remain anonymous, then "unjustly" low ratings will, unfortunately, come with the anonymity. Despite this, I am of the opinion that Brian made a wise decision in making direct ratings public and RR ratings anonymous. IMO, on the balance, the bad that comes with anonymous ratings (e.g., lowball ratings without accountability) is offset by the good, which is that honest ratings can now be given without fear of retaliation. In addition, the change may promote greater RRP participation, which would be a positive outcome for the site.

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Very good shot David. I can see some people leaving you comments in Spanish. Do you understand them? I'm Spanish, but I'm writting to you in English so that you can understand me.
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Thank you Steve and Jose Bayon


Jose I have no idea what they are saying to me in Spanish. I hope it not bad things. :o) lol

And thank you Jose for putting it for me in English. Thanks for your time and comments.


Take care.



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This is an amazing shot...I would love to get this close and have such remarkable detail. although some may think "field guides" aren't art, a guide with this shot would certainly contain beauty! Please don't stop posting such clear and detailed shots of birds!
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Gosh! David sorry I miss all the debate here but this is a fantastic photo. Tack sharp and lovely bokeh.
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A gorgeous picture David. I just purchased a Canon 30D with the same lens you took this picture with. I'm having a ball with it, but I haven't shot anything quite this good. It must have taken some effort to get this close!




Bruce Gove

Ukiah, CA USA

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