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Spring Lamb

mike kelly
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He estado un par de dias fuera y anoche observe, ante mi estupor, que alguien esta haciedo rating en mi nombre, dando, sobre todo, notas bajisimas, sin ningun tipo de criterio ni consideracion, a fotos que yo, os lo aseguro, no he visto. Nunca pongo 3 ni 2. Cuando alguien sube una foto es porque la considera buena, si yo no capto el motivo pienso que es problema mio, por no ver lo que ha querido trasmitir el autor, no del autor. Ademas, considero que esas puntuaciones se utilizan a menudo como castigo, por cosas que nada tienen que ver con la estetica, tecnica y originalidad de la foto. Bueno, pues la persona que usurpa mi nombre se ha entretenido en repartir casi 800 puntuaciones de este tipo, por lo que imaginaros los cabreos que esta generando la cuestion. He escrito al webmaster para ver si se puede arreglar la situacion. Mientras tanto, os ruego me indiqueis las fotos que, supuestamente, he rateado en estos tres ultimos dias, para intentar arreglar la situacion en la medida de lo posible.


PD. Hacermelo saber en mi ultima foto o en mi portafolios. Por favor si alguien me puede traducir este texto al ingles se lo agradeceria mucho.



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Mike, Google has a mechanical translator. While not perfect nor complete, I think it's fairly good at getting across the gist of whatever words you plug in...although at times the translation can produce absurdities that can sometimes be quite humorous. So, here's the translation with the translator's web address at the bottom for future reference:

"I have been a pair of day was and last night it observes, before my stupor, that somebody this haciedo rating in my name, giving, mainly, notes bajisimas, without ningun type of criterion nor consideration, to photos that I, you assure it, have not seen. I never put 3 nor 2. When somebody raises a photo is because it considers it good, if I do not catch the reason I think that mio is problem, not to see what she has wanted to trasmitir the author, not of the author. Ademas, I consider that those scores are often used like punishment, by things that nothing they have to do with the estetica, tecnica and originality of the photo. Good, because the person who usurps my name has entertained in distributing almost 800 scores of this type, reason why imaginaros the climbs that this generating the question. I have written when webmaster to see if the situation can be fixed. Meanwhile, I request indiqueis to you the photos that, supposedly, I have rateado in these three ultimos days, to try itself to fix the situation as far as possible. PS To let to me know it in my completes photo or in my portafolios. Please if somebody me agradeceria can translate this text to ingles much."


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