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© © 2005 Adrian Douglas - May be downloaded for personal use only

My first go at macro

adrian douglas

Borrowed Tamaron 90/2.8 Macro


© © 2005 Adrian Douglas - May be downloaded for personal use only

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Borrowed a macro lens from my mum to give macro a try. This is

actually a bump stop off my MTB forks. I just liked the pattern and

the natural light. I'm not sure what makes a good marco shot as it's

never really interested me before.

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I like the composition and idea. Good originality. I think you might have gotten too close to the subject because the edges are blurred. Check what the minimum focus range is on this lens,if you go too close the edges get blurred or out of focus. Then shoot again and crop the same. See if it will look sharper on the edge.
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Thanks Jim, I just shot with available light as it was coming through some amber perspex and produced a nice warm look. What's more important in Macro shots detail or look?
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