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Tripod. Converted to B&W

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This is part of my particular hommage to Miguel de Cervantes, writer of Don Quixotte, book being celebrated at this moment on the IV Centennial of its publication (1,605).

The book was first translated into English seven years later. A clear indication of its importance since tranaslating novels into other languages was quite exceptional then.

Let me invite you to re-read it!

Your opinions, critiques and ratings on this photo would be welcome and always appreciated. Specially if you take your valuable time to give me inputs

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Siento que los "cuerpos de los gigantes" estan sobreexpuestos, asi como el color de cielo, claramente se nota que es una desaturacion de diapositiva, valdria la pena jugar con los niveles para obtener el nivel exacto que requiere esta imagen. El segundo Molino de adelante hacia atras lo siento francamente en el centro de la foto, y tal vez me gustaria un poco mas a la izquierda y ver la linea de la montana que baja mas hacia la esquina de la imagen. Tiene algunos detalles adicionales la foto que en general le restan un poco pero no los alcanzo a senalar bien. En cuanto los ubique te los hago saber.


Saludos B.

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Very good compositionwise, and great B&W, tonal range is superb. I know your meticulous mode of work, so I would like to know whether there is a real gradient on the ground, or the picture need a slight rotation clockwise. The windmills look perpendicular, so maybe it`s a declining horizon line
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B.B critizes the overexposure of the windmills ponting out that it is a clear desaturation of an slide. he, also, expresses some doubts about the composition.

I appreciate such a detailed analysis of one of my phots. It always help me. I reckon that the white walls of the windmills look very white. I have to review the original slide (which I cannot do at the office or judge from the display of my portable) when at home. In any case, I reckon that the day was overcast and the time of day very late afternoon or, even, very early evening

Cartsten, again, level horizon but terrain is seldom, naturally, level

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Mi opinion personal sobre la sobreexposicion de los molinos es que, lejos de perjudicar la toma, realza la atencion de los molinos como motivo principal de esta composicion, quiza un punto menos de exposicion???

La composicion de estos, formando esa diagonal curva, me parece muy estetica y acertada, sin duda un magnifico homenaje a "Nuestro Caballero andante".

Un cordial saludo Alberto.


P.D. Si te interesa sacar una excelente vista de Madrid, pasate por la zona del Alcampo de Vallecas, justo a su espalda hay un parque de bomberos, subes por esa calle y te encuentras un parque con peque?os cerros de cesped. Veras una imagen de la ciudad realmente bella, y te podras tomar una ca?ita en alguna de sus terrazas viendo atardecer sobre la capital.

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Solo los he visto en peliculas y documentales, como no conozco la geografia no puedo opinar sobre el encuadre, asi tiene mucha profundidad del llano y las montanyas con los molinos en diagonal.

Un saludo

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It's gorgeous! The choice of b&w, the composition show a meticulous job. Where's Dom Quichotte ? Congratulations, Pascal !
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Holy smokes, Alberto. I finally had some time to stop by and visit your work. You have quite an overwhelming inventory. It will take me several passes to take it all in. Your landscapes are mind blowing. I stopped here, because everytime I have ever seen groups of windmills, I have wanted to capture with the camera what my eye sees. This is a subject which (so far) has not been terribly successful. This is quite an inspiring shot. Not only beautiful, but technically quite flawless. I will be back. Thank you for your time and words as well.
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This is the more classical view of windmills in spain for three reasons. One is that it lies only 70 miles from Madrid by motorway; second is that there are seven windmills along the ridge of that hill and third is that there is, also, on that hill a great historical castle with a lot of history and battles with the moors behind.

This particular shot was taken from the donjon of the castle.

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Very nice B&W image with strong shapes. It feels to me that the windmills are all looking at something at the bottom of the hill in the cresent shape. I keep wishing I could move the frame to the left to see better.
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...and you're right. To the left the crest follows and you have three more windmills. The problem I had was that the shot was taken from the castle, and I had the shape of one of the castle's towers interfering on my left.
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