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Bart Loves Karen - Karen Loves Bart


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Great that you are the first one who drops in to give me a comment:)) I'm happy you like this shot.

The view is not very special because if you pay attention to it you can see scene's like this daily. I wonder if Bart and Karen are still in love with eachother. Maybe it was only an infatuation.....

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or until the bench is painted again, anyway! I like the way the bench is framed so symmetrically within the picture - it draws attention to the inscribed sentiment in the center. I think Bart did this - don't you? Since the "N" in her name is backwards? How sweet (better than inscribing on a tree, as some do..horrors!)


BTW, dearest, I love your comments! "Meanings within meanings..." - furled around each other like the petals of your famous flowers!

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'meanings within meanings'. Nobody else as you can put it more aptly than you Lee. I feel very honoured, because I know there is no meaning within meaning what concerns your remark because of my meanings within meanings.....ahum.....I hope!;)))(LOL) Ave! Ada:)
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you are my Queen of Hidden Meanings! Groetjes, Lee
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Ya who the hell is PG?... i notice he comes before NS but shouldn't alphabeticialy...ah no wonder he's mad...i'm such a lonely boy, lonley and blue...looooooool.


Wowowow...Ada "the artiest". Very good comp DEAREST and the pic really speaks...but its empty, so thats an acomplishment...besides that its framed perfectly, good colour, nice framing...homey, earthy, reflects the beauty of the photographer inside and out...i just can'y find any reason why this ain't 7/7... trying so hard but theres nothing wrong. Finally i have found the perfect picture. 7/7...genius.

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OK let me reframe that last comment I made. I'll start with the pic. It is a wonderful composition Ada. Perfectly composed to focus in on Bart&Karen. But then being so empty were left to wonder ummmmm Who are they? Have they survived the test of time? Look at the bench, it's worn and weathered like the wall and windows surrounding it. But Bart and Karen remain, unaffected by the elements. Ready to battle another day's effects on there love, as the new green grass full of hope slowly grows up around them. Do they care, nope! For there love is so great that they announce it to the world. And nothing can beat that feeling! One which you have captured so well. Nice shot Ada, you have a very natural eye for being able to see the little things around you. And it's just (LOL) wonderful how you bring them to us the viewer. The only thing amiss is in the dedication. My dearest Ada, I don't love PG ;) No offence. But you my dear are a different story ...! Warm Thoughts, Nova :)
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'PG' aka Gijs has a bone to pick with you. (LOL)And what concerns those 'P.G.' Ah, that's a horse of a different colour!
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I don't going to explain who is who. If the shoe fits, wear it!


That empty bench is bothering me too. I'm sure there is place enough for more than one couple, don't you think? Maybe we can invite an other sweet girl (for example Lee) to company us. Lee has long tall legs and she is very lithe so if it is needfully she can fling her legs around her neck. And me, ah, I'm so delicate I will clamber onto somebody's lap. What do you think, Paul? I promise you we will spend some very cosy hours on that squeaky thing;))) (LOL)


BTW, I'm very happy with your great comment. It's more than I deserve....See you Paul:)))

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Nice to have you here. Those little details are fascinating, aren't they? Can't watch them without asking myself what's behind such an trivial apparent, who are those people. Ah, my imagination.... It's not always a plus-point to have too much of it. I'm sure we look like eachother in that way. Aquarius and Pisces, that can't go wrong:))
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You wrote me such a wunderful, extensive comment. And I can confine myself to give you a short reaction because all the words you said about this subject of life are so true. It gives me a warm feeling that you don't give the priority to criticize this shot on only fot it's photo-technical qualities. You put a touching aply about your thoughts and these are the same thoughts as I had when I took this shot:)
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Ada, I see you are thinking a lot about Love at the moment, ..pigeons in love, benches carved with love...
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Yes, I think you are right, Colin. But I only set down what I observe. I think Nova has right when he says that 'love is on the air'. I think I like you too Colin, even more than that; I think I like you very much.... Oops (LOL)
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Well Michael, I'm sure that Knicki's bench will be only used by older people, people of my age who don't ride on it .... Those young people nowadays! (LOL)
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en verder mooi van kleur en compo. Zeer rustgevend. Houdt Karen ook van Bart? de pijl wijst maar een kant op. ;-)



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Hi Ada,( I'm back) love story on a bench....Simple and nice composition. I like the part of the window. Pnina
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