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© Copyright Jenna G. 2004-2005

So You Want To Be A Rock n' Roll Star


I ran across this local band doing a photo shoot while I was street shooting. I don't think the official photographer was happy to see me, but the band didn't mind. I welcome constructive comments.


© Copyright Jenna G. 2004-2005

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Yep the lighting was pretty good here. This was very late in the afternoon, about an hour before sunset. The official photographer and manager got a bit annoyed by my presence even though I stayed out of the way. I took a few with the photographer and about 10 from different perspectives of just the band. Occassionally one of the guys would look at me instead of the official photographer which is why I think they got irritated with me! He had the best perspective on the ladder, and the most interesting perspective I could get was laying on the ground to the bands right. I guess they thought a girl rolling around in a dirty alley (yep I got oil stains on my clothes) was pretty amusing.


Chicas? Yes I have some, but not as attractive as the ones Peter posts! Real women of all shapes and sizes! Actually when I'm out I seem to run into way more men than women so that may be why I have more photos of men.

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yeah, good light -- did you just chanced upon them? and i dunno but I prefer boyz -- got any older dudes tryin' to make as rock stars?
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Yes just a chance encounter. Older dudes? Well a couple of older dudes playing guitar, but no official band shoots. Besides a couple of these guys were pretty cute. They were trying to look tough for the official camera guy, but pretty boys are pretty boys. They just can't help it! Besides I still prefer them younger than me.



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couldnt pass by a conversation about boyz. oh la la. Cool shot. Except for the official photographer's butt lookin at me I really like it. I wish he was standing on the other side of the ladder so he was more in profile with his body than full on butt shot (its not a very good looking butt- sorry mr. official photog)


I vote for the slightly mature male, go find some and shoot em like Peter does the chicas.


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Hey Knicki! No Mr. Official Photographer doesn't have a nice butt. I kind of hope his shots suck too so maybe the boyz will use me next time. I'm going to send them a photo minus Mr. Official Photographer and his unsightly behind. I'll post another one of just the band soon.


Slightly mature? Well these guys were in their twenties! Not mature enough? Okay I'll see if I can find some thirtysomething guys just for you. Or do you prefer them even older?



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Like Radio Birdman photo... ramones... and other... Your view points is more original. Ho ho ho. I like it.
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I wouldnt mind a couple of twenty somethings (how about the guy in the zippered jacket). Something about 20 year olds make me feel dirty..very very dirty.


I hope they like your shots. I think they would love this one if not for that ass.

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Imanol: Yep I think the official photographer was trying to do a Ramones like set-up here. Actually these guys are much more clean cut and pretty than the Ramones ever were!


Knicki: Yep he was adorable! Twentysomethings make you feel dirty? They make me feel young. I'm not looking forward to the day when a twentysomething guy uses a "Mother" reference towards me. The first time some young guy tells me I remind of of his Mother I think I'll cry! Big sister is acceptable, but mother is not. When that day arrives I'll give up street photography, take up needlepoint, and start hanging out at bingo parlors.




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