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Cernícalo comun ( Common Kestrel )


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Terriblemente bella!!!, me encanta ese fondo negro y la cabeza del pajaro totalmente a foco, que contrasta con el difuminado de alas y cola.

Un abrazo.

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Preciosa, Miguel. Me encanta la nitided de la cara y el efecto de movimiento y dinamismo que transmite la toma, La luz, cojonuda. 7/7
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Que maravilla, Miguel. Ya sabes que me encanta la combinacion de nitidez en la cara y movimiento en las alas.
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Te la queria comentar aunque solo fiera un poco, porque de la carpeta que tengo con fotos de otros que me gustan esta fue la primera tuya que entrar.

no entro en el debate (esteril) sobre si zoo, si fondo negro, etc. La imagen es preciosa y embruja, eso basta.

Un abrazo


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This is one amazing shot really, i like how the head is in focus and the whole bird is blurred in action, very original really. bravo really and best regards, RK!
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This is a mediochre shot with black painted all around the subject, obscuring all feather detail - even the edges have been painted away. This is not use of lighting. It's common to blur or burn out background detail, but this has really interfered with the image's integrity.
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"It's common to blur or burn out background detail, but this has really interfered with the image's integrity."


When I joined this site in 2000, there were lots of great photographs, it was an interesting site and many thought good and hard before they gave something a top rating.


Now, what we have are a bunch of computer art images, hardly a well thought out and duely earned photograph. "Bravo, Masterpiece, 7/7++".......total B/S. And..to top it off, this computer art image is dead center like 90% of most of the bird images on this site and beyond, not even a dynamic composition.


From another post:


"There are so many hundreds of thousands of straight images out there that are 25, 50, 75 and well over 100 years old.


They bear a testament to the past in a very valuable way. I, in no way, can see an image like this having the same kind of value 25, 50 or even 100 years from now, because it is not reality.


For well over 100 years, people have had the scene before them while holding a camera. Only a select few took liberties in the darkroom, mostly in ranges of tones, rarely in content.


Now, why is it in a world full of reality T.V., fast food and fast everything for that matter, are folks steering away from the inherent beauty in the world and creating fantasy land images like the ones on Photo.net?"


Why do a large amount of people on here doctor photos up to the point of being fake?


Come on folks, try harder, stay out longer, get better at being a photographer, not a computer artist.

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