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Coastal Colors (Best viewed Large)


www.hawaiianphotos.net/kauaiphotos.htmMost seascapes that I am familiar with (including my own) are taken at either dusk or dawn. Seascapes taken during the daylight hours however can offer a nice opportunity to capture the tropical colors. I used a tripod and cable release to slow the action as much as I could. As always your opinions are appreciated. Aloha. www.hawaiianphotos.netwww.hawaiianphotos.net/Kauaitours.htm

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V. Tylor, let's post more images pronto, good or not so good. does not matter. The folks that caused the mate rating (flamingo syndrome) are fading away. At least 3 of them have stopped posting because under the new system they sink like a rock in the water (right off the beach) :)
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More fun reading here than going to the movies...


First of all your "personal" comments are very much appreciated. Those of you that have come to my defense are indeed friends. Many thanks to you all. I have always appreciated the interchange of ideas from other photographers on this site. All of us have improved from this ability to sharpen each other here. My decision to stop posting has more to do with the system and the head honcho that runs the system than it does with individual people participating in the system. Then after sharing specific ideas in the site feedback forum (what it's designed for right?) Brian decides to have me banned from the site feedback till the end of 2007. I was respectful but nonetheless disagreed with several of his decisions regarding the gallery, dealing with mate-rating, anonymity etc. He does not have to implement ANY of my so-called ideas, but to ban me was just more of the same from him in my book. I have also been a subscriber and active participant for years now.


I will post again in the future as well as offer honest critiques on other's work. It's just like many others today, I am less compelled to do so under the current system with mate-raters and anonymous lowballers both running loose, doing whatever they want. I hope you are right John, but it's been pretty sad from what I've seen going on.


Rick, this image is not as highly rated an image as you keep saying. It's probably in the bottom five out of my 90 or so images. For you to give this a 5/5 is fine with me. However to see you give your brother 7/7/7/7... on anything he posts and then actually try to justify your doing that here, is (as you must know) hypocritical to the point of being actually funny. Dave and Walt took it easy on you, trust me. And so will I. I cannot blame you for being frustrated with the gallery/ratings bologna. So, just join the club...


Many thanks again for those of you taking the time to share your thoughts. I am sure we'd all like to see things improve. Perhaps they will...


KW, you should be a writer.


A hui hou.





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Vincent, good points...and I don't blame you for taking a break. I was unaware of your ban, but it sounds like horse pucky to me...and totally unfair.

and thanks for taking it easy on me guys!

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Its good to this community to have active photographes like you, it gives prestige and quality to the portal, and deligtfull feelings to all of us to enjoy, dont give up uploading!. This photo is a great and suculent tropical rocky textures menu, I love all your images and this is no exception, I will definitively come back time to time to comment and admire those trully great landscapes you have


Saludos from Spain,


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Many strange things are going on here on PN and not always of the good and we all have to deal with it. I didn't know you had been banned from the feedback site. As you say .. that should be there fore they are there.


I'm among those who really wish that you will start uploading photos here again... it's sure not the same without and I'm often looking for new uploads in your portfolio. It's always high quality that characterizes your photos.


And this concerns your comment to KW ... sure he has a way with words .. a great way ... but I don't like you encouraging him to be a writer. We will be missing he's photo work here if he instead of taking photos sets down and starts to write his autobiography and memories ( which btw would be quite entertaining reading I bet). When you like Ken's way of writing ( I think we are several enjoying that) couldn't you just to a start hire him as your "automatic answering machine" .. It has already worked nice earlier.

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Is KW for rent?? Don't think I could afford him though Bente.


Again, thanks for all of the nice remarks. I will find something to post soon.


Nice to see that humble spirit from you Rick. Talk soon. Aloha.

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No KW is not for rent. If he moves to the islands I'll never get to meet him. Hard enough to find him 45 miles away. Of course that whole restraining order and 50 mile boundary thing get in the way alittle. ;)
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This is better then a reality show...LOL! I think you do absolutely fabulos work Vincent, but rather then posting images I would rather be reading this post. HehE!!


And Ken, I am with you every good comment from now will cost $3...Few long threads like this and I can retire. LOL!!


Walt, Dave, Rick, Ken, Knicki....You guys are what makes the photo.net community. It is clear that photo.net ratings policies at late make victims out of high quality photographer like Vincent. I have not given up posting images on PN, but have mostly given rating photographs and submitting photo for critiques. PN now serves as just a personal gallery for me.



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Jay, hope all is well bud. I have stopped posting images all together. Why? Because I don't want to request a critique and get a bunch of silly ratings from people I don't know. They are useless. I also get zero comments. Like you, I just posted images. The problem with that is they would get onto the 'average' TRP and then I am lumped in with the mate raters that I really don't want to be associated with. It's a loose/loose situation IMO.


It's a shame that 10-30 people just weren't dealt with directly. Instead the people who played by the rules are penalized and guys like T*m-T*m (who was booted twice for multiple accounts and allowed to come back a third while not contributing a penny) gets to come back, get a POW and is always in the average TRP and in the top 5 of the all time along with his mate rating sychophant buddies. Hopefully someone will go through my portfolio, give me 3's and 4's and get me away from all the mate rating garbage that is up there. I admit, I was proud of being there a year ago because I didn't rate many images and my rating average was in the low to mid 5's. Now it is an embarrasment.


I speak for myself, but I am sure that many would echo my sentiments. I use to love this place. Now it is as useful as Usefilm or Photopoints. Maybe I have just out grown it. Who knows...


Vince is definitely one of my favorite photographers. I only have 7 or 8 links on my site to other photographers I know and admire. He is one of them. It's a shame the mate raters flourish and people really wanting to learn can't benefit from his experience any more. God knows "WOW you're the best!!!!" can take the place of Vince's long, analytical, honest critiques.


Enough of the soap box... Vince if you don't want this under your image, just let me know and I will delete it bud. Hope all is well with you too bro...

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Thanks guys. I agree, Photo.net is just nothing like it once was nor could be.

Dave, as you know I can no longer post in the feedback forum, so my opinions have been shut down. I agree with you on the Tam Tam and others mate-rating bonanza, phony accounts, lowballing others, scamming etc. nonsense. Brian NEVER went after the real problem-people and now is paying the price. The quality of images posted at Photo. is now lower than ever in my honest opinion. In addition, the interchange of ideas/comments/feedback to help ones improve has lessened so dramatically it is pointless and a waste of time to even see what's happening nowadays over here. Anonymous lowballing is thriving as is mate-rating. Nothing new.


Perhaps somehow, somewhere down the road it will get better, but I wouldn't hold my breath...


Many mahalos for your efforts and great support. Aloha.


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So this is where everybody went to when the site self-destructed. . . . Well, Vince, thanks for the open invitation to view your photos. It it's okay, we'll all just stay down here in the tropics for awhile and enjoy sharing some good photos and some good company.


This is a very nice photo, but I find myself going back to the one made at sunset--both great shots, hard to decide which I like better.



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Hey bud, like this one better for sure. The foreground haze (I'm guessing ocean spray) looks almost gone. Could probably take a bit of burning to get it all the way gone.


love your photography bro. Miss ya a ton. p.net is a waste of time. My images are slowly coming down. If all you get is a few 'wow's and a bunch of 4's what good is it?


Later man...



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Thanks Dave. Have still yet to post for quite some time. I will put up something soon though. Just nowhere near the same here as in years past. But many of us have extensive portfolios accumulated from over the years that are still worth maintaining in my opinion. I hope you keep up your images too. Forget the ratings. The anonymous lowballing is always going to be around until they put names back on the ratings. And then mate-rating will most likely continue flourishing. Like I said, forget the ratings as much as possible. Not an easy thing to do though sometimes, I must admit. The TRP is the weakest since I have been a member in my book. Thanks for dropping back by.


A hui hou,



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Indeed, yes. Forget the ratings. They do little more than bring out bad behavior, which is what happened to me way back when. I can't tell you how much I regret my actions during those same years.
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Yes Doug, I do remember that trip through my folders by the "balance brigade". And to show how far things have regressed at Pnet, those were the "good ole days"....


: )



Peace to you and yours,



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Great and Nooo ....


And how do I 'manage' these 7000 images now ! - oh, ok, delete works pretty good - sheesh, the business end of photography is ..... !

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