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Coastal Colors (Best viewed Large)


www.hawaiianphotos.net/kauaiphotos.htmMost seascapes that I am familiar with (including my own) are taken at either dusk or dawn. Seascapes taken during the daylight hours however can offer a nice opportunity to capture the tropical colors. I used a tripod and cable release to slow the action as much as I could. As always your opinions are appreciated. Aloha. www.hawaiianphotos.netwww.hawaiianphotos.net/Kauaitours.htm

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Wow, Fantastic picture Vincent, the Sharpness and Colours are great its as if the picture is alive and that is as good as it gets! Wish I were there to see it in person. 7/7



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Thanks to all of you for for taking the time to share a thought. David this is precisely how they sky looks/looked when using a polarizer or wearing polarized sunglasses. On my monitor, it looks simply blue. Does your monitor show something different. Mid-day shooting in the summertime, in the tropics, it can look very rich. Thanks for your opinion though. Aloha.
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Heh - Bente's comment ...... (-;


Wanted to let you know I stop by often and I get a very big kick out of your bio pic - big smile - thank you ...


I just bought (charged) 4 rolls of Velvia. As difficult as it can be to work with - It produces a better finished product, hands down over Provia - I've come to realize over the past year or so.

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Mahalos for sharing this beautiful image. The clours are fantastic. Yes, I lived in an island in the Arabian Sea for few months. The colours of the sky and water changes with the movement of the sun.
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Sorry Vince, nothing personal...I'm just sick of the popularity game that plagues nearly every forum, but mostly PN. This is a good image. I gave it 5/5. There's just nothing special here that holds my interest. Sure, the colors are nice...but the fact that you get 45 ratings when this one: http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3616165

Gets only 14. Clearly, it's popularity that drives this. I bet that if I posted this, it would only get 5/5... and that's not right.

You have become popular because your images ARE beutiful and unique, there's no doubting that...just stating what I think...

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Hey Rick, if you have complaints because my image has more ratings that somebdoy else, I'd suggest you try to get over it! Or if you believe the ratings/gallery bologna is really just more nonsense, I would certainly agree there. Perhaps you think this image is over-rated too. That is fine with me as well. The entire Photo.net gallery system is a joke and is why I have stopped posting altogether for some time now.


I do like this image even though it is one of my lower rated ones. There is an old saying Rick: "You reap what you sow". Perhaps the reason why I have plenty of ratings on this shot is because I have GIVEN many ratings and comments for almost three years on this site. It's something to keep in mind. Aloha.

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"Clearly, it's popularity that drives this."


Rick, couldn't agree with this more, but not in the way that you mean it. Yeah, Vince is popular. That's because he spent a few years here commenting a ton and rating a ton so he has visibility. He is high up on the "watch list" counter so many know when he posts a new image. They have him marked as interesting because he and his work are.


Your argument isn't with Vince it's with the system. But I have to ask you... What's worse? Someone who posts images and has lots of people giving him 7's or someone who gives 7's to family members on good but not great images??? Let those without sin cast the first stone.


From time to time we all fall victim to the system don't we?

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Ouch! Walter. Made me go take a look at my top rated. Next, Ill be checking yours out to see what type of dark secrets you have ;)


Vincent, I'm not really a landscape person so I feel odd even commenting on this shot. Why does the foreground and the back hill seem hazy as compared to the clearness of the sky and sea?





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Dave, you and Walt played my ace card earlier than I wanted to. Amazing how hypocritical people on this site can be at times. Rick, I have no problem stating that the ratings system is a huge disaster now. The lowballing anonymous losers are flourishing, while mate-rating continues through the roof. Brian has in my opinon ruined the entire photo.net experience for this photographer. Oh well, just another day at the office over here.


Knicki, yes I agree with you and have noticed what you mentioned on bright monitors. I have actually addressed this with my large file and hopefully will post the improved versiion shortly. I either perhaps over-brightened, or maybe an ocean mist covered my lens which tends to happen in these types of locations. I cannot say for sure, but know that it is easily corrected. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your opinions. Aloha.



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Here, I made the adjustments to get it done with. I even posted a larger view since this is no longer on any TRP. Here also is the original posted image in case anyboy wishes to compare. Thanks again.

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I would like to add that in addition to Vinny's many contributions to Pnet - he has also been very influencial and helpful to me behind the scenes - in ways no one ever sees ........... Thank you Brother.


JustAnyboy - (-;

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Lol - damn comp almost crashed right in the middle of my comment - Had to hit 'RUN' - shudown - abort - sheeshhh ...


Uhhhh - under Bushonomics, everything costs 3 dollars now = gallon of milk, loaf of bread, gallon of gas, favorable comments .......... sol

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PS- "Anyboy"... how do you catch me when I mess up like that?? I'll keep it like that now...


AnyBOY care to comment now??


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Oh hell yes - I've had my eye on this comment for some time - asked myself - 'Do I want to get mixed up in this ?' .......... Its been awhile since I stepped up to the plate - and decided I would do that for you anytime - anywhere - period.
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Thanks Vincent.


So..Ken (biting tongue) know you left a door open that I may just use one of these days.



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I have noticed your absences of late Vince, wasn't aware of your feelings. Sorry that the ratings bullchit has made you feel like you needed to keep some distance. I remember when I very first started posting here you were VERY generous with your advice and expertise. You (along with several others) helped me learn so much and genuinely encouraged me. I guess I don't take time- as I should- to thank those who have inspired me. Now seems like a good time. Stick around, you are needed on this site. I like to think I have improved over the years I have spent posting here. I want you to know that you have been part of that journey. Thanks.


be back later, I have a few more to thank.

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Dave, you are right...I have nothing against Vincent. I think his work is worth the attention that many people give. It's just not fair when people throw him a 7 just because they respect Vincent, and might be afraid that if they don't give him a 7, he might not like them anymore...or something like that...it's not Vincent's fault.

I admit that my brother and I like eachother's work, and yes...when some jerk lowballs his or my work...we may boost a rating from a 5 to a 6 or a 6 to a 7 to offset the person with an obvious chip on their shoulder for whatever reason. Good catch though...I wish I didn't have to do it...as I don't feel good about it and neither does my bro. Our few ratings betwwen eachother does not have near as much impact as all the people flogging this image with 7s, again...no fault of Vincent's.

Vincent, I hope you know that I was not attacking you...and am sorry if I sounded like a jerk when I was just giving you my HONEST perspective, which I'm sure you appreciate. I take it that you post an image on here for the same reasons I do...to get everyone's take on it...the good and the bad...

I'ts nice to be popular, but also unfortunate if you are asking for honest, unadulterated feedback. I think it would be a great idea if we could post images for critique anonymously...

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Hi Rick ........ I certainly didn't mean to sound like I was gushing over the 'Vincent' - Texans as general rule don't gush over 'Washington Redskin' fans - (-; ........... I just wanted to share a side of Vinny (he hates it when I call him that - is why I do it) that many don't see - behind the scenes. He has gone way out of his way to help me out on several occasions - and still does. And even being a friend - he hasn't kissed my ass with many 7's lately - big smile. And that says alot about him too (removing him from my 'will' btw) ............ Vince, Dave, Walter and I have all been victims of the system as well as beneficiaries - life here is not all 7's and 'Wows'. Well in Dave's case it is - smile .


Vince just happens to produce a genre' of high quality images that is well recieved by the general public. Where as Dave and I have to actually 'work' to get where we are. We'd all like 'to be' - where Vince takes us with his high quality work ... . Ok, Vince has to work somtimes - he hops fences and has to carry all that gear to lava flows where his limo can't let him shoot from the window.


Ok, all kidding aside there are far more guiltier parties here at PN whose behavior is far more deserving of criticism than Mr. Taylor's ... er ... Tylor's. But we understand your frustration and we all have experienced the good and bad side of the PN experience. Remember that popularity and talent make you a bigger target too. I'll mention another thing too - Mr. Tylor could easily delete his 10 lowest rated images and move back to the top rated photographer page like many do and have done - much to his credit - he has never done that - says alot about him as a person - you bet !



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Amen to all that. Vince, you might just get Ken to at least leave you his wooden shoes in his will. They come in mighty handy when someone steps on your toes.
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