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Sunset on lake 3 (Apus pe lac 3)


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Great color saturation. I do like the branches around the side and top. They balance the grass on the bottom and add a nice mood to the picture
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Nice photo. One problem with many sunset shots is that the photographer is so bedazzled by the nice colors in the sky that composition and subject interest is completely forgotten.


You have avoided that trap and taken a very nice scenic photograph that includes an interesting foreground in silhouette.


I do not agree with Glen. I think the foregound is a very important element of this photograph. It provides a foreground subject and interesting framing for the sunset. I especially like the reeds at the bottom of the picture.


Good work!

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Thank you, Fabian! Yes, my intention was to use the foreground as a frame for the scenery. On another ocasion I tried to use the flash to get some detail into the plants, but I found that detracts from the sunset, the viewer sees the frame as subject...


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