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Kate with turban


For over 2 years this was the "most viewed" image on photo.net.My work can now be seen on my Patreon site.

Scanned on Nikon LS100 & processed in PS4 on a Mac G3

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I just love these classic photo's. And it's not just the moment you captured that makes it so. It's the the fact that you used B&W film, and the way how the grain here adds to the overall effect and intention of the photo. (If I am not mistaken). The low contrast also makes for an interesting effect. At first, I didn't even notice that cigarette, because it is so subtle. There is only one thing I am curious about. I use Ilford HP5 a lot, and not once, I have I gotten a photo as low contrast and grainy as this. (Not that it's bad of course, because I actually like those features on this particular photo). It looks like Tri-X was used.


Overall, great job and congratulations on POW~!

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of course the model is quite lovely (distinguished sharp nose is nice) but what really works for me in this shot, is the delicate posture of her hand.... fingers can often be more expressive than facial features.... excellent job :-)
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At first I saw a Egyptian princess surveying her kingdom the headpiece looked more like a ornamental crown of some sort. Very regal appearance.On second study it appeared like a Airman's hat - a woman wearing her lovers hat from WWII . It looks different each time I come back to it?. Times , places an eras how did you achieve it?. Serenity an confidence . Happy where she is , but still looking down the highway. Tech wise I have no real knocks against it - something Id hang on my wall.
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