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Winter Creek in Single Digits


Nikon N80Nikon 24-85mm

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My first 7! I've been walking in the woods for a long time now, thinking "This would make a great shot, except for all that scraggly undergrowth," but here you've managed to make a great shot even with the scraggly undergrowth. I'm inspired to go out and keep trying.
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This is a very fine image, extremely well composed with all the elements of a simple but compelling landscape photograph: excellent light, balanced colors and, it's worth repeating, nicely composed. Thanks for sharing.
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Superb exposure in a difficult lighting situation,no burned out highlites or blocked shadows even though darker areas might even make it more dramatic than already is.Did you use an ND grad here or just crop out the bright part of the sun?The bottleneck intrusion of brush and land really add to the composition along with the warm color tones.My only nitpik would be the tight crop of the reflection but maybe this had to be done due to distractive elements or position of photographer.Either way I really like this...
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Greg, this is truly beautiful! Well worth your discomfort in its creation. It almost looks like Fuji Provia, is that so? Regards.
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