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Liquid Air


Macro, 70-210mm lens, iso=100, 1/250.Desktop paperweight shaken, placed against a yellow background.

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I think the above (Kyle's critique) is a good example of a valuable crtique. The research I've been doing on "the art of critique" covers all fields of art... from writing to film to music.

Interesting how other web sites have a set of standards...ie: how to critique without bashing the art or undermining or belittling the work of others. It addresses encouragement and honesty with gentleness to foster growth and improvement.





In order to give a constructive critique, you must first realize that the PURPOSE of critique is to help the ARTIST. It should give the Artist some idea about how his/her work is received. The aim of the critique is not to destroy a work, nor berate the artist... but to give them some ideas about where the problems are in the piece AS WELL as which parts work. Always remember that your critique is your opinion and may not always be shared by others or by the artist. Try not to use the critique forum as a way to proove how much knowledge you have about the subject. And if you are the recipient of a critical terrorist...just remember that stones are only thrown at fruit bearing trees.



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Hey Nejat E., sprinkle some of your high ratings over my way if you dont mind! LOL


PS. If Mr. Giesler knew anything about the law he would know that his public accusation and slander of character is the only offence committed in this thread so far. He would also know that the FBI and the US Justice Depatrement only have jurisdiction in about 5% of the known world. Good luck in court charging someone outside the US of "not playing fair".


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Quite a circus we got here indeed! I think I'll Join in!! ;) Jerry!! Jerrry!!


To Tris, for someone who spends such an ungodly amount lecturing others about photography, your pictures are absolutely full of stinktitude. That's bad, very bad. Honest to god.


Tony Dummett on the other hand is probably the best photographer here, but unfortunately, he let's it get to his head and thinks he's the ultimate authority on what is good photography and what is not. If it doesn't meet his HCB wannabe criteria of "defining moments" etc.. he condemns it as less than photography. Am I right? No? Yes?


And since it wouldn't be fair for me to condemn your photos without putting mine up, and since I unfortunately have no scanner or digital camera, pity on you all, I will just save you the trouble and admit that I suck to high heaven. My pics are really bad! BUT, I will not make my own definitions of art and present them as fact, but dear Seven, I will give credit where it is due IMO. Good job, I think this one shot itself would not say much about a photographer but looking at your other work, it's obvious you got a good eye (to ME at least!).


Cheers all!

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okay... let me start here for the first and the last time... yeap I once went to top5.. not 8.. but who cannot climb up so fast if has 3 photos rated more than 11... we have seen these scenes hundreds of time... another truth is I was attacked... (the word:attack is very well known here) I think this is just because the top 20 or 30 was reserved full time for some photographers for whom sometimes do not deserve it... the false is I was not thrown to 200, I was thrown to 400s.. BUT!, I did not climb back the other day... I deleted the whole ruined photos of mine and started 2 weeks later with some more new stuff. Then I climbed here wherever the hell I am in a month or more. To tell the truth I am still not comfortable with my place because we have tons of good photographers under 100s-or 200s. But unfortunately photo.net has became a trademarklike place..I mean whatever is shot by the well known top10 photographers are good.(few of them are really good). I really got bored of telling these... Also maybe photo.net admins may show You the mail I sent to abuse@photo.net to have some of my high rater users deleted who have no photos in their portfolios, just because they don't really deserve them... Then.. I have friends that's true but what is photo.net for?? and what is add to my favourites section for??? anyway... Mr.Geizsler and Ms. Ball maybe would like to play their investigation games on the very top of the list eh?...But I do not think they can just because of some good friendships :) I see... Now I am open for all attackers again...Enough said to whom understands and never will again.. regadrs and luck to all... (and sorry seven, my friend for harming your art)
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Geizsler... okay.. I knew that I must not take you serious... Why don't you just go and take care of yourself? My biography is open..My email is packshot@profotos.com. And profotos.com is a professional photography site and this mail is just forwarding. Would you say the same if it was packshot@photo.net ??.. what about your personal infos? :) oh god I must be gone nuts to explain this to you. Have some fun buddy the sun is shining outside...LOL.
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So much for my early night ;-)


People, there is so much hatred and aggression in the world, some of us come here for peace and to learn and to hang out with friends.


I have reported the "matter" to PN but I think they are closed for a few hours yet. The problem will be taken care of.


Nejat and others please don't respond, it is not worth it.


Instead let's get back to the image, thanks for the critiques - are there any others? It woud be nice if we could just get back to that.


Admin will take care of the rest.


To the lucid - my very best regards.





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..........Ummm....JEEEEZ 'a' louise guys!!! Seven, your "Liquid Air" has turned into a not so airy waterfall of comments. I mean....we are all the temperMENTAL artist types but "Meeeanne" is this gettin' wierd. So here I sit at an internet cafe in Tasmania laughing out loud that this thread is turning into a "Rope" of people hanging themselves..TOO funny!!


It is for this very reason that I am often hesitant to rate others work on here. I would not want to seem like I have made friends for the reason of pumping up my ratings, I consider my self flattered that I have the level I do already. I have started rating more, but very slowly and deliberatly thought out are these ratings and 90% of the time with a comment. Example: I have not and will NEVER rate my own work, wouldn't know how, kind of a "Flavor of the week" paradox for me, one day I fave the shimmy across Capitol peak (Bout to do another one of those here in Tasmania) another week it may be me gushing over my lost love and this week, it's the freedom I felt while aloft with my dangling feet.


I will not even SEE a computer for the next three weeks.......Your'e all getting caught up in each other's "Bra Straps"!!! Try forgetting this place for a bit and go make some images like I am.


Anyhowzer, behave whilst I am away children!! Rajeev Surati may come and lay down the law for you if you do not.



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I hope this nonsense stops and the only way to do this is to ignore.... This hopefully is my last word on the subject.
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This is not normally my sort of thing, but as an original image and (again) something mysterious that keeps one guessing a little, combined with the vivid colours and the attention to technical details, this is hard to beat.
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Man, what is happening here! Did some thoughtless rating cause Seven to withdraw practically all his (fine) pictures?! Sad, sad story!!
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Amazing that you cold pull off a photo like this with just a paperweight. Inspiring. I really like the vivid colors and the abstractness found in an ordinary object.


Congratulations on POW.

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Clever idea, nice colors, good light and texture in the bubbles... and a boring composition. It feels rather close in, as though it's a detail from a much larger image. In terms of the content and style, it reminds me of some things Matthew Barney's done. I don't care for Matthew Barney, but there it is.


Seven, I think you have some fantastic ideas and a good grip on a wide range of studio techniques, but to my eye, a lot of these--this one included--are near-misses. The image of three Slinkys, for instance, was nicely laid out and lit just right, but it was taken from a slightly off angle that created a leftward slant in the verticals. Many of these look like low-budget approximations of high-end advertising photography, and as such they're very clever.. I wouldn't (in the words of someone else here) want most of them on my wall, in this case not just because it's a genre that doesn't do anything for me but because there's no grace in the composition of this when I look at it.


When you set up something like this, how many shots do you take? Do you bracket these and pick the best exposure, distance and angle?

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Thanks for taking the time to view this, and others in my photo.net portfolio. I have e-mailed a response, but for a public answer concerning bracketing : yes, I do - a lot, especially with the 990 which I use for my macro work. Mostly it's to get the dof right which is critical in these extreme close-ups (the paperweight is about 6" long, and has in it 2 plastic fishes - so was shaken to get the bubbles, and then only pics with the fish out of the frame could be considered for selection.)


As for liking/ disliking/ hanging or not, well that's totally subjective. "Near misses" implies the assumption of a target, and of course there is a target, and I'm personally content with my proximity to the centre.

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