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Liquid Air


Macro, 70-210mm lens, iso=100, 1/250.Desktop paperweight shaken, placed against a yellow background.

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Are you trying to produce gold in your kitchen, Seven?

And photographing the technology? What is this? Am I

seeing cooked corn behind? Never mind. You cooked it very well again.

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What are you trying to do Seven? :) Your recent works are blowing me out actually. ( better than playing with ducks :o] ). This is great!
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Thank you everyone. Blago good eye! What you are seeing is the yellow table place mat beneath the paperweight ..... I have also looked there and thought "that looks like corn" - which has given me another idea ;-)
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Really great idea with stunning result. Very inspiring. - How about a variation with the glas held against a more distant background or light source.
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beautiful, 7! the duckling, never ugly, is becoming more and more of a swan i see. excellent new shots! good thinking and an even better technique to allow us to see what you see.


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Ken Michelson, your portfolio contains no images which are eye-pleasing or which contains technical or compositional artistry. Here you are crowing about the simplicity of a simple but beautiful photograph. If i were you, i'd shut up and spend more time improving my vision. Again, i also have to remind myself that you are just a student. Grow up !

Seven, congratulations ! This further reaffirms that even by using a point-and shoot digital camera, one can achieve great photographs. Good eye and keep up the good work !

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Well done Seven. I am glad to see your creative ideas rewarded. You have used colour and shapes from everyday objects to compose an interesting shot. Congrats.
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Mr. Sander, your attempt to shout down Ken Michelson's critique of this most recent POW was a wonderful exhibition, just about what I have come to expect from this site. Keep up the good work!

As for Michelson's photos: I wasn't familiar before but now I am and I've got to say that while not everything in there's terrific there are some good shots nevertheless. I get the impression that this person just uploads photos he likes and doesn't bother himself much with ratings and whatnot. Now to me that is a refreshing approach, to you it apparently reflects rankling values. To each his own.

In any event, Mr. Michelson's ability to supply you with your daily dose of free eye candy is not at issue here. His comments were directed to the POW. Let's keep it at that, please.

I personally am unmoved by this image. It is not especially beautiful to look at (how long would you want to hang it on some wall?) and I therefore can see no real way to give it a high score for the approach of the photographer coming in. I suppose you could give an extra point for "cleverness," though I find that term somewhat at odds with what I want out of the art and would prefer to stick with "originality." But that's semantics.

Bottom line remains: how long would a photo such as this likely reside on someone's wall? It wouldn't go up on one of my walls to begin with, though the argument might well be made that in a soceity which can bear to digest a steady diet of network television fare the sales of prints of this picture could go through the roof.

And so be it. All I know is that this one doesn't do a thing for me, and not because I find it displeasing, rather because I simply wouldn't want to give it much more then the cursory examination I afforded before assigning it a grade.

Now that's subjective and it could be the next ten or twenty comments will rave over this latest showcase piece. My guess is we will find ourselves treated to a veritable gush from the usual crowd of gladhanders, with not a whit of energy expended in thoughtful analysis of the piece. Which, at least in the case of this photograph, stands to reason: I can see little of value to analyze given the circumstances.

Seven: I don't like this picture much. Nothing personal in that. I do, however, think your approach to photography has merit and I wish you well down the road.

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An appealing and well executed shot, but not the most impressive image in your folder. The colours work well, but IMHO it just doesn't have the interest to sustain prolonged viewing.


You obviously have an eye for close-up and detail shots Seven. Keep at it, I'll certainly be revisiting your folder in future.

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hourra 7! congratulations on POW. very happy to see your photo this morning on photo.net homepage.i've already commented on it before it became famous so i'll leave it at that...

i'll still say: nice work and a well deserved pow ;-)

P.S. Brace your self

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It's a nice picture but it doesn't impress me so much. It's kind of interesting for a few seconds, but then interest has gone. de gustibus

PS: as for the comments above, I don't think you need to be a master of photography to express your thoughts on someone elses' work, and a little bit of politeness on both sides wouldn't harm.

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It's very nice photo which belongs I believe to the same class as one of the previous POW:

Week of July 22, 2001

http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=268284, which we could call "clever technical shots". Bright idea of creating something eyecatching just at home. There are no personal feelings with this photo but suprise how simple it is, still outstanding.

I find Tris Schuler to be mentally color blind.

Congratulation Seven!

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Seven - First Congrats on a well deserved POW. I love the shot. As Maurice already said.. Brace yourself and my advice is to take the UNconstructive negative borderline nasty comments with a grain of salt and also in some cases... consider the source then dismiss with a shrug. It is clear to me that some people have a narrow view of good photography....some people have a "type" of photography they like and none else will do... Some actually surprisingly have no taste at all..or at least a very odd eye which I personally can't relate to. (Maybe unfair to say "no taste" -- just DIFFERENT.) Some people appreciate a visually exciting shot especially one that is very original. Others will actually have some well said and HELPFUL "constructive" pointers that can be applied in future work... which we can respect and appreciate. It is best when it comes from people who's work we admire to begin with and from those who practice what they preach. We can all learn and improve. That is what we are here for.


I would be very proud and happy if I shot this image and I'd never tire of it on my wall! I find it to be inspiring...making me think of doing some interesting close up work... It's alive, it's colorful, it's original and well composed! Keep up the good work.

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