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This picture was zoomed a little


© this photo belongsto the subscriber & can not be used without their permission

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Right below the door is where the fresh spring water comes out. It

is very cold. Thank-You in advance for your thoughts. Honeah

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Looking at your portfolio, you seem to have a tendency to pull a lot of extraneous information into your shots. So in your photograph of sun rays you mention that you're most interested in the coconut bird feeder, but the photo's main subject really seems to be the fence on the left. Similarly, in this photo if the subject is the spring and the cold water then what does the rest of the composition tell me about that?


It would probably risk become a cliche, but conceptually, if the subject is the spring then why not focus on that? I can just *barely* make out the spring itself, otherwise it looks rather like a house built half-way into the hill.


One of the great things about a wide angle lens is that it *does* tend to include so much 'extra' stuff that it should really make you think about what you want to show. With a zoom it's pretty easy because you just zoom in on the bit of interest, but with wide angles you need to move around your subject, try different framing options, try moving in close to what interests you, now move back and see how that changes things...


Where your current style seems to serve you best is in the sunset photos -- the line of trees along the bottom and the ghostly atmosphere caused by the clouds make for a shot with depth and interest.


Hope this helps,



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