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25 or 6 to 4


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Ever do something just for the hell of it? Well, this is such a picture, inspired by Chicago's [25 or 6 to 4] which some say represents time (25 or (2)6 to 4AM - a time of a lyrists' writer's block, while others say it's about drugs - 25 or 624 (LSD-25 and LSD-624). Regardless of the enigma that has puzzled many for 35 years, it's still a great tune I listen to on occasion. So what do you imagine while listening to it, assuming you know and like the tune?


This is an average of ten Sky-Cloud pictures taken last summer over several weeks rendered to resemble a near orbital view of earth. As to why and how this related to Chicago, maybe best remain as Questions 67 and 68.

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Spending some time in outer space now Michael? As apparently a view from space was your goal, I'd say you succeeded brilliantly. I'm amazed at how much it does look like we are looking at the clouds from the opposite side from where we usually see them (not that one side of cloud should look much different than the other). Very nice indeed. The image itself acts as something to get lost in. I can't say I picture anything in particular while listening to the song... but it too is worth getting lost in... dum dum dum dum dum......... dum dum dum dum dum......... dum dum dum dum dum..........
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A view from outer-space is was first occurred to me also... it's quite a striking effect.


Images inspired directly by certain songs is something I've been playing around with in my mind for some time now. I'm afraid I am not familiar enough with Chicago to know the song, but I want to applaud you for creating such a suitable image in that vein.

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Thanks for the remarks, Thomas and Andrew. It's interesting how we can be worlds apart but share through common experiences, isn't it? That might also explain why Thomas doesn't quite relate the image to the tune since our experiences through music are unique, but I bet you the "dum-dum-dum-dum-dum" would bring a smile to 1/4 of PN's members. :-)


I've always related (my) pictures to music, Andrew, from Cat Stevens to Dean Martin and Delibes. In associating a song title to pictures, many are literal and quite easy while others are nearly impossible (such as this image), I've also compiled selected images (consistent with a theme) and made videos to a tune, such as my darker night shots to Hitchcock's Psycho theme while borrowing from Ken Burns' (pan-zoom technique on still images) to create mood. This exercise is particular interesting - it removes prejudices from any particular picture so long as the image suits the mood.

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Interesting. In college (when afternoon naps were a regular part of my day) I used to fall asleep to certain CDs and pay attention to the wierd visuals that would float in and out of my semi-conciousness with the music. Your image actually strikes me as something that represents that... perhaps therein may lie the LSD angle?
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Know what you mean about the weird visuals, Andrew. I often see them at will by squinting hard in a dark room giving the facial appearance of someone on LSD, although experientially I suspect repeated jabs to ones right temple might offer a similar effect.
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Definitely gives you a sense of flying about 100 miles above the earth. I'm interested in more of the technical detail... you mentioned this was an average of about 10 shots... are they all just layered over each other or how did you construct it? I especially like the blues.
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I also thought it looked like a satellite picture, and then thought it might be one from a pond with numerous kois jumping for foods. It's a very interesting and puzzling picture!
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Brant, the images were first averaged then stretched. The idea is to create a composite of the brightest points in each picture.


To average, layer them at decreasing opacity - base layer at 100%, 2nd layer at 50%, 3rd layer at 33%, 4th layer at 25% - in other words, 1/2 of the 2nd layer, one-third of the third, a quarter of the fourth, etc..


Once averaged, I then stretch the low and high points through Histogram, expanded the mid-tone compression and bump up the Gamma slightly.


Shown above is another six base images, followed by....

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A composite through the above described procedure.


Kay, seeing Kois might have something to do with excessive amounts of Frank Zappa. :-)

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I was thinking you might want to bump up the green and decrease the blue. This is definitely lacking some green today. :) John.
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I'm going on a long flight saturday. If I'll have this sight I'll be looking foreward to the flight ... otherwise I'm pretty scared. I think it's great work you have done here. Please pass to me what you were having when you made this Michael..........
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Hi Michael, tis cool! I was not born yet as I was too little to remember anything about anything.;)))


Found this though:


"I always heard it was the ratio of powdered sugar to pure heroin. The "cut" if you will. 25 or 26 parts sugar to 4 parts heroin. Why would he be wondering if he could do a little more. maybe 18-20 parts to 4? Or 25 or 6 to 8 or 10"


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Great capture Michael,


It does look like a satellite photo. I thought the words were 25 64. I can't remember ever hearing anything about its meaning, not sure what I thought it was supposed to mean. I guess sometimes I listen more to music than to lyrics. 25 624 is also a part/segment of Chicago apparently.

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Thanks, John, Bente, Amelie and e.


I was having a coffee while making this, Bente. Sorry to disappoint. :-) Don't have to be old to like old tunes, Amelie. Kay's a perfect example: a teenage Zappa fan. :-) e, I'll find out next time I visit Chicago.. hmm.. does sound like I have no life, doesn't it?

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Talk about envy, Michael! I am envious. I love abstracts of this sort, and this one is brilliant.


You are still the Photshop Meister in my book.

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Michael, the technique (averaging pictures of sky) and the title remind me of my day dreams during the first year of calculus at the university... Still remember these Camel King Size cigarettes with noise reduction filter... :) Cool creativity, thank you for sharing!
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Hey, Michael! Just wanted to say hello! Looks like everything that could be said about this image has already been said. It's wonderful, though ... I love the tones and the lights/darks. 25 or 6 to 4. Nice caption!! :-) Warm regards!
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Guest Guest


I will confess to not reading the entire thread- I am way too ADD for that one. I found myself whisping mentally into thoughts of music, then space, and then realized I had whisped off.


My first impression was how did he do this- how did he get a camera on the shuttle?


Well done Michael.



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The image is interesting, the title is interesting, your thoughts on how the image and the Chicago song relate together is even more interesting. BTW, that's my favorite band besides the Eagles.
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Thanks for dropping in, Hansen. This was one of those "go with the flow and see what happens" pictures, and as the mind went along, so did my misspent youth resurface. Hence the title. :-)
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