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I love how the bird looks both startled as well as annoyed at being intruded upon. Great angle and great stroboscopic effect with the water droplets. Care to share any technical details as well as how you succeeded in capturing this image? Great job!
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J Doyle, I answer you in Spanish, because it's difficult to me in English. I hope that you could translate it.

Fui junto a un amigo mio (gracias Miguel por esto y por tantas cosas), a un lago y nos situamos sobre un puente. Desde ese punto de vista esta realizada esta imagen. Con una Canon 20 D y un Sigma 75-300. Yo apuntaba a una gaviota en concreto y esperaba a que alzara el vuelo. Tengo un monton de fotos en donde solo hay una pata, o un ala cortada. Era la priemra vez que hacia algun ave en vuelo, fue realmente genial y disfrute mucho

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I went with a friend of mine (thanks Miguel for this and so many things) to a lake and we stayed over a bridge. From that point of view is where this image was taken. With a Canon 20D and Sigma 75-300 lens. I were pointing just to a single seagull, waiting for its taking off. I've got a lot a shots were only a cut leg or wing are shown. This was the first time I took a flying bird image, was really great and I did enjoy very much. (end of translation)


I've tried to be as literal as possible, Marina. About your image and Miguel's, I like more yours (lol). Water drops add dynamics to composition and break dark BG. Original point of view, by the way. Best regards ;)


He intentado que fuese lo mas literal posible. Sobre tu imagen y la de Miguel, me gusta mas la tuya (jejeje). Las gotas de agua anyaden dinamismo a la composicion y rompen el fondo oscuro. Original punto de vista, por cierto. Saludetes ;)

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Thank you Marina for replying to my questions, and to Joan for so kindly translating for me. Very much appreciated! Gracias tanto...Mucho se aprecia. J
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This is a superb picture. Very lovely moment, masterfully captured. Her expression is sooo beautiful. I hope she didn't hit something because turning her head toward you...:)

The tone and composition is awesome. Congratulations.

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