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Dead Bolt. (found in an old mill foundation)


Minolta XG-M, MD 100mm f4 (@f32) . Fuji NPS, polarizer, Auto. Tripod. Overcast.

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A 'found object' on a field trip to Elora, On. last year. This bent

bolt in an ancient footing of an old mill, covered with lichens,

caught my eye. Thought it was worth a frame or two.

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I like the idea that the cracks are parallel to the sides, and that the bolt falls in that sort of quadrant... call me a mathemathical mind :D

The colours are very nice as well, expecially that hint of yellow. Nice way to capture a small detail!

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Great composition. The masterly placement of the cracks elevates this photo to a different level. Since the style is going towards an abstract, it might benefit from more saturated colours.
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I would have to agree with Frank, more colour saturation would have a dramatic impact, and really show off the colours of the lichens. Perhaps if it wasn't an overcast day, a deeper shadow would have been nice, or higher contrast?
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It's not totally unappreciated on this site. I for one, like it a lot.


I'd perhaps crop a tiny bit more all around, and increase the contrast a bit to darken the stone background. This would reveal the lichen even more.


Well spotted, well executed.

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(This follow-up feature on previously commented images is pretty cool:-))


I think diffused lighting is essential in images like this. I'd use levels to make the midtones darker without changing highlights or shadows. In other words, it's bit overexposed. A warming filter might also have helped


This detail shot tells a story beyond normal deterioration. Looks like somebody took a serious hammer to this thing so nobody would trip over it.

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Thanks for the follow up Carl. Yah, it's a neat feature which I will try to make more use of. The colour balance is easy to adjust (didn't have PS7 when I posted this one) I've re-tweeked this one using the curves & auto colour feature & a bit of unsharp mask. Not sure if it's much of an improvement. Let me know if it's what you had in mind. Best, LM

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Great, well composed shot, Len. I concur. Your rework is exactly on the money. Really enjoyed your Leica portfolio.
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Doug, Many thanks for your input on this one. I haven't visted this one myself for a couple of years so thanks for the prompt. It was a hoot discovering and ultimately capturing this subject (as it usually is for almost all my humble offerings) and that goes double for my Leica School shots where I actually spent 3 days (1963) in the old Leitz (Wetzlar) facilities. Now THAT was an experience! Best, LM.
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