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Scanned with microtek i900. Selective levels and curves adjustements done.

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oh, oh.. oh... this is too much for me! Oh, what a Woman... poor woman.. oh, now I am so sad! very emotive photograph! oh... uh.. I am speachless in front of this scene!


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The photo is better than excellent it is truly great. You have also demonstrated great compassion and respect for your subject.
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Dejando aparte el lado humano de la foto, que es innegable, menudo documento! la combinacion de la Hasselbald y este tipo de retratos is always a winner for sure!
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i think you have handled this with sensitivity; you have enabled her to have a dignity while not disguising the ravages of age. i like the tones very much; your decision to present without artifice was brave and makes this a more meaningful picture.
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Regreso a ver tu foto... y me vuelve a impresionar la calidad y la sensibilidad con la que capturaste su imagen y su esencia! Felicidades nuevamente!
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This to me is what photography is all about, catching a moment that tells a story.

Very well done

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She is impressive and yes respect is what comes in mind. Your comment brings more but one can guess from her look.


Her resolution in the eyes tells this lady is really aware of her condition. She is not resigned, she has done it and yes there is nothing that can change it.

This is life.


Thank you for your nice picture.

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Pues creo que yo voy a dar la nota discordante. Dejando a un lado el texto y el lado "humano" de la foto no puedo evitar sentir una sensacion de "snapshot" en este retrato. El margen de grises empleado lo encuentro un poco "bajo" (echale un ojo al histograma y lo veras. El equipamiento tecnologico del hospital al fondo distrae demasiado (al igual que los anagramas de las sabanas) y el foco parece estar sobre el fondo mas que sobre la mujer.


La verdad, no termino de verle la gracia a la foto. Aun asi.. le echaste valentia al hacerla. Yo jamas habria sido capaz ;).

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Rafa, thanks for your comments. I've tried to improve the range of grey and to reduce the 'impact' of the anagram in the sheets.
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I am taken aback by your comment. Lack of respect is the minimum that pops to my mind upon reading it.

Lack of respect to the old lady, full of dignity (go and look up in the dictionary the meaning of the word "dignity". You may learn something to-day) and able to tell us the full length of a full life thru her dignified appeareance.

Lack of respect to all women, including your own mother, also represented here in this wonderful photography, as are represented all women that suffer lives full of hardships. But, of course, I'm jumping to conclusions that may be wrong such as the fact that you respect your own mother.

Lack of respect to the photographer,who has taken the time to accompany his wonderful work of art with a detailed story.

Lack of respect to the rest of us who have to put up with this offensive comment coming out of your rotten bowels.

And, finally, lack of respect to the roman pope and to all catholics (may be helpful to clarify that I am not a follower of the roman pope, myself) people whose beliefs deserve to be respected.

I suggest that you delete your offensive comment.

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