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Everything is done


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Tremenda imagen y tremenda historia. Todas las tardes paso un rato con mi madre y otras compa�eras de residencia de edades cercanas a los 90 a�os. Cada cierto tiempo noto la ausencia de alguna de ellas y al preguntar te puedes imaginar la respuesta.

Por ello doy gran valor a esta imagen y como alguien te ha comentado, es una gran idea el dedicar una serie a nuestros mayores y a sus grandes historias.

Lamentable (en este caso si) el comentario del sr de Carolina del Norte.


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Finally someone with opinions ....

maybe I Do have rotten bowels, how do you know ? Youre being insensitive to my feelings Al. Do leaders of countries responsible to millions of deaths deserve respect ? so why are false religions any different ? one kills the body, the other the soul, which is worse ? respectfully, Jerry Lee

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Thanks Alberto for your answer to Jerry Lee. The new comment of Jerry Lee answering you is, again, a clear token of hypocrisy and I would kindly asked him to refrain from add new comments to this photo unless they add some real (and hopefully useful and constructive) criticism to it.
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Manuel, I suspect someone suffers from some strange chips in his arm (forma coloquial sajona de decir que alguien es un resentido).
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Hello Manuel. I saw this photo a few months ago. it is full of beauty. I do not find it sad but full of a life. A life well lived, a loving life, a true voyage. I now have the courage to take one of my mother who is bed ridden for the same reason. She fell a few years ago, had her hip replaced and now lies in bed with little movement. I have held my desire to photograph her, I do not know why. now I know i want to. gracias.



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David, I'm happy this photo has encourage you to take your mam portrait. You're right, this is not a sad photo, on the countrary is plenty of life, experience and kind attitude. The expression 'everything is done' I think release you from ambitions and other heavy loads. Thanks for your nice comment.
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A beautiful and moving shot of a life well lived,remember a beautiful mind sees beautiful things and the converse applies(reference to the statement about her looking 194 years old).Excellent photography
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Just one year ago I shared the story of this woman with you. It was the day of working women and I felt she was one of these millions of women whose life make this special day plenty of meaning. Finally she decided to pass away yesterday, March the eighth. Most probably, coincidences do exist, but even chance facts can be plenty of meaning.
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Yo no creo en las coincidencias. Esta historia es sobre todo para ti, y yo me siento honrada de poder compartir un pedacito contigo. Sobre la imagen, debo decir que esta llena de respeto. Gracias, Manuel.
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Hola Manuel,respecto a este retrato, creo que has sabido captar el momento de pensamiento de esta mujer;se ajusta a la perfeccion al concepto "puro" de retrato... ella absorta en sus pensamientos.Bella imagen!,otra cosa es si nos gusta en b&n o color, con mas contraste o con menos... eso en retrato pasa a un segundo plano, mientras este bien expuesta.Recibe un cordial saludo.

PD.Gracias por comentar una de mis imagenes

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Hola Manuel, la verdad que es una foto muy fuerte. Te llega de forma muy impactante. Muy buena.

Con respecto a la toma en general es excelente

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Manuel esta es una imagen emocional y muy profunda que nos enseña que todo pasa y que cuando se cumple se acava! All is done, everything is done ia a great tittle making us aware that we are all going to that direction!! ESPECTACULAR EMOTIONAL IMAGE.  Congratulations.  Un fuerte abrazo.

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Manuel, It's been a few years since this photo was posted, but I just saw it today and was greatly moved by it.  I see in her strength and resolve, and most importantly, it is obvious to me that she was a beautiful woman both physically and in every other way.

Thanks for sharing,


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