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Colors of Paradise


Circular Polarizer.

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On my recent scouting trip to Dry Tortugas National Park, we found this piece of coral on the shores of a small beach next to Fort Jefferson. Seems like it had broken off from the main coral colony and was washed ashore in reasonably one piece. I used it as a focal point for my shot to capture the colors of the water and the fort. All comments are welcome.

A member of  The TimeCatcher Team.

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Jay, turquoise water, light pink sand, that delicate embroidery of the coral and no trace of man--the fortress seems there to watch that no profanator of such paradise access it. Yet, I'd pay a huge fine to bathe in that water. It's enchanting and excellent capture as usual.
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Nice full sun shot--really shows off the colors of the 10D and what you can do in bright contrasty light. Good use of that little shadow.
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Amazing color - you've got at the least a postcard, here, and I'll buy one.


Now step aside, I'm going swimming!

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another winner! i like the tight crop across the top of the ruin, and the polarizer has done a wonderful job of displaying those colors in all their beauty. needless to say, the great composition brings it all together. looking out the window at the brown grass and melting snow makes me somewhat jealous. anyway - nice job!
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i can almost feel the warmth of the water and the sand between my toes...the water color is incredible....can't wait to see more from your trip. I especially like the one window in the building that lets the sky show through...just a peep. Great lines and diagonals...i have so much to learn from you.
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The colors are no doubt wonderful and attract lots of attention, but the one that anchors the show is the piece of coral in the forground. Well done, Time Catcher Jay. ^_^
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Thank you all for taking time to comment and rate this photograph. All your feedback is most welcome.

Wilson: I totally agree with you... Finding a piece of coral with such vibrant colors and in such a condition is a rare find. In fact there were two pieces of coral on the beach that day. The other one was black and smaller.

Andrew: After shovelling 8 inches of snow this morning from my driveway, I too am jealous of this photo...LOL!!

Kristin: Thanks for those kinds words...but we all have something to learn from each other.

Christopher: Very good idea.

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Guest Guest


Yep Jay, That's Fort Jefferson, just as I remember it. It's an incredible structure with an interesting history. I hope you spent some time snorkeling around the wall. the corals and fish are stunning. I'm glad you made it out there. I'm dying to get back there with my Nikonos. How fortunate to find that fan coral. It makes the perfect foreground subject. I look forward to more photos from this wonderful location!
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Guest Guest


My God.. this is gorgeous! The coral is perfectly placed (was it found as it is here?) the colors are great and I love the way the building is angled out into the sea...wow. Stunning. MORE!
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One authenticates marvel of image, the light is impressive and the composition with the coral in the first plane is of teacher.

The color turquoise of the Sea, and the rest of colors do an exceptional image.

A greeting.

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Paradise indeed. Lovely colours, great composition. Who won't want to be there? Georgeous shot.
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Laurie: Yes I did go snorkeling in the water. In fact I was in water 10 minutes after taking this shot.

Caroline: The primary motivation of the Timecatcher site is to be able to catalog and display the beauty of nature that surrounds us. To we ended up selecting a team of photographers from around the world. Slowly, but surely, we are making our way across the planet trying to capture, preserve and display the breathtaking sites of the natural world we live in. Please feel free to leave comments in Timecatcher's guest book...we love hearing from the viewers.

Kathy: Someone had put this particular coral away from the water under some trees...just about 20 or so feet from where the photo was taken. But there was another smaller fan coral (black) that was actually in the water on the beach when we got there. I have some shots of that one too...perhaps I will post one later on photo.net.

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Fantastic Jay! Love the simple genius of the compostion. The colors just blend perfectly here into a very pleasing asthetic work. Well seen and captured.
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Ttitle fits right in.. That colors are amazing. Thanks for sharing, Also could you let me know what you think.
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Jay, this a fabulous image. Superb composition and colours. My only reservation is that did someone stuck that seaweed into the coral? Do you have pink coloured sand in Florida? Just curious to know.
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