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Island Showers (Wakani Falls) Maui


www.hawaiianphotos.net/mauiphotos.htmAfter helping my son relocate to Maui last October, I decided to take a quick overnight trip down the Road to Hana. After a somewhat eventful-slippery hike down to the falls here, I shot several rolls at a variety of angles. Since I left my cable release at home, I used the timer feature to slow the shutter and fortunately did bring my tripod. As always your opinions are appreciated. Aloha. www.hawaiianphotos.netwww.hawaiianphotos.net/Kauaitours.htm

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The close-up is superior in my opinion. The contrast, the sparkling water and the bright green are much more enhanced here. Superb light.
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really really great colors..i also like the comp..perfect-as usual..

actually i like the velvia..i would stick to analog-cameras..if i could afford it..actually i cant :)

looking for a d2h :)..half a year and i got it :)



i showed your portfolio to some of my friends and everyone liked it very much..


keep it up...your the man!

all the best

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You better gulp when you say Yanni .......


Yes, the shot lends itself to Yanni - I was referring to me lurking around - jaws music ...... sol

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No, I think I'd let the lens cap go in this situation, Kenny. I aint Tarzan. Now if my F-5 was dropped...or my Redskins hat...


aaaahhahhhahahah (Tarzan's call...

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Guest Guest


The tighter crop gets my vote. It's a terrific composition. The first water fall seems to be spilling right out of the upper left corner. Although I'm a huge fan of Velvia 50 specifically for it's saturated colors, the blue here is mighty strong. I might have toned it down just a bit. For some strange reason, I now feel like taking a shower.
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Yes Laurie I do see there are a couple of spots where it is a bit strong as Dave also mentioned earlier, then commented on by Jay, Steven (who I'll forgive regards the "aging" comment) and Guiseppe. Right on the upper portion of the first falls. I will adjust that on the big file. For the record I never even touched any of the white water in Photoshop. Guess that was picked up by Velvia. I appreciate your thoughts as well as everybody that took the time to comment. The (two) 2/2 lowball/bogus account ratings have now been deleted as well. Those ratings sent this one into the TRP abyss for the two weeks they were up there. Just another day at the office at P-net I reckon.


Kenny, you can be sure if your Dallas hat went into the water here, it was because I threw it in! ...heh



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Well that foot is just about to squash something on that lower left corner. (Please tell me it's not your foot in that shoe). Can't quite make out what it is though in that corner... must be rubbish!


Squishing-sound now...

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Love your bio picture -lol! This shot framed close is great! Excellent composition, and I like the blue in the water- makes it pop a little more than usual I think.
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Thought you'd like that pic Dave. Dave actually took the image that Kenny used to make me Tarzan.


Thanks again... I think.

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Vincent- I have a question. I am always amazed at the color saturation of your images. I see you always use slide film. When an image like this is developed, are you present to develop or assist in the proper development of the film, or do you just leave it to a trusted developer? Just simply amazing color & light. Almost convinces me to shine up my old manual focus Nikon & buy some slide film.
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Don't get up Vince - I'll field this one. Jayme, please excuse Vince, he is exhausted from counting all his .......................... toes.


Vince uses Velvia slide film Jayme, renouned for its rich color saturation. And Vince usually uses a polarizing filter - combined they account for the color richness you see here - along with time of day, which Vince has finely honed to a science...


As far as Vinny assisting or being present when the film is processed -- the answer is *no*. I happen to know where he gets his film developed and they won't let him behind the counter at Walmart.


The answers to all your questions are in there ............... somewhere. Hope you are able to seperate fact from fiction and I'm sure Vince will correct me if I've taken too much liberty with reality ......... (-;


*PhotoChop, I forgot to mention PC ........ it is always possible to tweak the saturation to ones preference using imaging software, of course. But by using Velvia, a Polarizer and time of day selection honed to a science -- far less Photochop is required - methinks.

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Thanks Ken- But Wal-Mart development is a dead give away to your fictional story. Sorry, I don't by it. I am aware of Velvia's super ability & the wonderous abilities of a polarizer. Wonder what differences you'd have seen with 100 vs. 50? Just curious. Besides being in the right place at the right time, the way the film is developed and by whom, is pretty darn important to the end result of the image. Just like adjusting RAW images are to digital. This is the only reason I ask. What with all the different and varied ways to develop film out there, then add on top of that, the availability of digital tweaking after scanning, I was just curious exactly how Vincent handled his film. But thanks for your version, it was amusing (you're such a great story teller), but I'd honestly like to get the straight info from Vincent, unfictionalized of course. Thanks anyway. This image looks like it just stepped out of a fairy tale, unbelievably beautiful. Makes me smile!


And Ken, how interesting your antonymic use of "PhotoChop" for "PhotoShop". Bet there's millions out there that have a different view point. Of couse, they probably know how to use PhotoShop to their advantage. We'll leave that for another discussion.

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