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I often peruse the lowest rated photo's clicking on the ones which, from the thumbnail, seem to me to be out of place at the bottom of the pile. It's odd how many times these turn out to be yours!!! How unjust can the world be!

Being a bit of a traditionalist at heart, that intense blown area really doesn't grab me but once again, you have used that remarkable eye of yours to give us something different. I love the composition of this shot, I love the idea, I'm just not too sure about all that white!

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I do find myself wondering sometimes why I bother with this site. It seems to me like it's getting less about photography and more about pretty pictures, less about learning and teaching through critique and more about congratulating one another. And that's fine - it's a community, it evolves into what it wants to be. So, I have all but stopped critting, but, more from lack of time than some kind of childish protest against where the site is headed. Now I'm just trying to make original photographs, that is: photographs that I am proud of. That they feature so low in the general opinion bothers me only the tiniest bit.

Regarding the blown out top right, it's my favourite part of the photo. It's both tranquil and temperamental. The various moods of the ocean can turn on a whim - I had just recovered from a rather scary episode of caught in the rip.

Thanks Mark, I appreciate that you appreciate. Will stop by at yours soon.

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I understand what you say about PN. It's a shame, particularly for people new to photography, such as myself. There's an interesting comment someone has left on your portfolio which I think sums it up, "Too good to be rated high" or similar.

I think I, myself, am guilty of trying to take pretty pictures but that's only because I don't have the imagination that people like yourself have and also, rather like pretty pictures too :)

With regard to this image. I suppose I might have guessed that the white bit was your favourite bit and the more I look, the more I understand (as I battle against my traditionalist heart).

I do love your shots as they always make me think differently so I hope you don't give up on PN.

You were over at my portfolio once or twice already so don't feel pressured to visit again. In any case, I don't think you'll find anything as exciting as your own shots.

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This one blows me away. Seeing this range of tones and textures in such a limited scope is inspiring and challenging. The softness in the middle, the roughness of the froth, the diagonals ... I think the darkness at the bottom needs the blown-out light at the top.
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Thanks, and, incase you haven't come across them yet, Picture This


Thanks. Of all the photos I've posted so far. This is my favourite. Right down to the bloody lens flare in the bottom right.

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It's nice when you get something you're happy with even if almost no one else gets it.


I can see how you might like this, it has a sort of yin/yang quality to it. Blown out upper section balanced by the black bottom, the crossing waves at right angles.


If you want attention shoot breasts or overly saturated landscapes, but I'm guessing you're looking for something more than a hollow diversion.

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