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© (C) 2005 Gerard Maas. Prohibited reproduction without written consent.



EOS10D with 17-40f/4L lens @21mm. 76secs f5/6


© (C) 2005 Gerard Maas. Prohibited reproduction without written consent.

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A very interesting shot of Mont Saint-Michel, for sure original. I like a lot the contrast between the sharp lines of the shadow of the tower with the more and more vague contrours of the light on the cloud.


Are you sure this is the most interesting composition? Let me explain this: if I get more and more fascinated by the shadows, then these part of the shot gets too small a space in the picture and I would like to see it zoomed in. Conversely, if the thing I like is the effect on the cloud, then one would need a bit more of it, namely on the right hand side which is a bit too tight.


As it is, although really interesting, I am a bit puzzled since I wish it was -at once- much tighter and much larger... what about you?

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That is a very interesting comment you make, because that is exactly the process I had go through when I was framing the image. Sure what attracted me was the great light reflecting on the passing cloud above Le Mount. I first tried horizontal, to get all the cloud, but I couldn't find a framing that would please me. Then I switched to vertical and had troubles to get the balance between the two main elements, without forgetting to include some FG.


When getting closed I tried to look for another perspective: something looking upwards that could make Le Mount bigger but still getting the cloud on the but there's only way there and the FG became just a parking full of cars.


As you say, it's a compromise, a choice that had to to be made.


Thanks a lot for your comment!!!



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