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Smoking Lips

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I'm a high school student who became interested in photography about

6 months ago, and I would really appreciate any comments you might

have. Thanks!

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Ouch! *8)


A nice shot; the texture of the flesh, the rings, the smoke all come out well. A comment that may just reflect my advanced age: for me, the metal piercing the skin is a more obvious feature of the image than the smoke coming out between the lips...

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It took me awhile to see the smoke coming out from the lips--my eyes were drawn to the two rings pierced through her lips.




Decide whether you want the smoking or the piercing. If you want the piercing, you're almost there, but the smoke is a distraction.


If you want this work to be on the Great American Smokeout 2002, have your friend change her rings to labrets for a more subtle piercing and make the smoke more blatant, perhaps with a more forceful blowout on her part. Or keep the rings and put a cigarette in her mouth. That'll get Phillip Morris going on their youth prevention of smoking campaign! ;-)


The choice is yours. Good effort! --KEP

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here's what i see: you've captured in this girl's lips - a girl: bitter, angry, vengeful.. a young girl lost.. excellent composition and cropping..
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lovely sexiness obscured, augmented, bound, tempting, addictive,individualistically conformed to change. exposing pain.
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