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twilight and wildflowers


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WOW, this is very nice. I have no suggestions other than a top crop to just below the big cloud in the upper right. That would make the flowers stand out even more. Thanks for sharing!
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I don't know what kind of lighting you used or if this is a synthesis of two photos. If 100% natural it is a wonderful photo due to its amazing overall vibrant colors and depth of field; especially the combination of foregroundand background is well done.
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Classic landscape with a wide lens - I can almost touch the flowers - probably that was your intention too. But the colors in all over the frame is also superb. I am not sure of the blank space in loft top corner but wondering how to improve it
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I love the glowing pastel tones in your image. Your eye for colour and tone is outstanding. My only niggle (and it is a very, very small niggle) is that I don't like the fact that the cloud in the top left corner is half out of the frame.
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thank you all for the comments.


Regarding the placement of the horizon, i agree that moving the horizon up would further highlight the flowers, and that is an interesting idea. But i'm a sucker for the beatiful pink/blue twilight transition colors in the sky, and i wanted to preserve that element.


Peter, this is not a composite. i used a 3 stop hard edge ND grad and then a nudge with levels in PS to boost the foreground lightness a bit. there is no color manipulation, it's all natural (that is why i love shooting at this time of day!)


thanks again to all.



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Anish-congratulations for capturing this beautiful image and sharing with us. I love the composition and colours. Best regards.
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Hello Anish,

I really like this image and specially the twilight time that you shot it. The composition is great and I agree about your feelings about keeping the sky. However, I think there is a slight bluish cast, quite understandably because of the light temperature. I took the liberty to make an attempt to correct this. Let me know what you think. Best Regards

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That is an interesting interpretation. you are right, there is a color cast. but i normally try to refrain from changing colors in post-processing. i don't use any color correcting filters. i may lighten areas if my 3 stop ND grad is not enough, and i don't really consider this 'manipulation', as i am only trying to bring the image closer to what my eyes actually saw. by manipulating colors, however, i feel that i would be distorting what nature was showing me to a point where it no longer resembled what i saw. to me, there is nothing more beautiful than what nature shows. i do not wish to improve upon it, only to capture it.



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Have to say I agree, and the only color changes that should be made are to make it look close to how nature presented it in reality. Cheers.
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Anish...great job here.Absolutely wonderful...here you have used the ND filter very well.Well done with the exposure...colors are heavenly and adding to the whole the angle is just fantastic. 7/7
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