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Aircraft Reflection at JFK Library


1/50s 33mm @ f/4.5 ISO 200Levels and Perspective adjusted in Photoshop, Cropped

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At the JFK Library in Boston. The planes coming in to Logan airport flying right overhead

-- combined with the setting sun -- made this shot a "must take." I'm looking for overall

comments, and also advice on using the PS perspective correction tool (how did I do?).

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Great shot! The appearance of the reflected plane is almost unpleasant for the eye due to the sense of movement in the reflection. And it gives an kind of unpleasant but strong impact as well, comp is first class. Very well done!!
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Thanks for the great comment. What do you mean by the "movement in the reflection?" Do you mean the distortion?


The library is right in the flight path to the airport, so I had a number of opportunities with different planes. I chose this one both for the placement of the plane and the nature of the reflection. I'm fine with it being a little "unpleasant," but I'd love to hear exactly why you say that.

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This "unpleasant" word does not mean it reduces the quality of the photo,.. that distortion adds to the dynamic,..giving a sense of movement.what i meant was that it is making my eyes wanting to focus on the plane for a moment, but fails.. kind of a strange thing i have noticed before on other things but cant figure it out what it was right now ;-) but my eyes dont get stuck at that area, so its not disturbing the composition anyway.




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First off -- I *love* this. BUT, I hate the plane. I can see why you did it, but frankly the interest to me is in the glass, the interior of the building showing through, and the reflection of the light. The plane is a distraction because the reflection breaks it into pieces. If you used the perspective tool on this you did a great job! I'd like to know how to do it myself :)
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Thanks for the clarification. I didn't think you meant the photo was unpleasant, I was just curious to hear exactly what you did mean with regards to the plane. I appreciate your great comments!

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I'm glad you like the building and reflection, even if the plane is distracting. I did take a couple of shots of just the building, but I felt that the plane really added something dynamic to the picture. Also, I'm a sucker for strange reflections...

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If you remove the plane, than the focal points become the lower right line and the three bright lights. The interior structural elements add background interest to the shot, but it's still background.


Distortion does add a certain amount of discomfort, but think how boring photography would be if we were all limited to 'pretty' subjects.


Just uploaded this one . . .



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