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Digital infrared image.

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I like the tonal range the IR filter provides in this shot. I had to look really close to see the city skyline though. I almost missed it. The emphasis is really on the sky and the person walking their dog on the beach. I do wish the person was easier to see. He seems to blend into the water a little too much. Fun shot I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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Thanks Jim, for your comments. Next time I'll be sure to make the S.F. skyline larger so we can all admire your home town :)
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This is a beautiful show of sky patterns. I often bike down to Albany from Emeryville or Berkeley and I never saw this spectacular SF cityscape. AWESOME. It works great in these tonalities by the way. Congrats! I tried to rate it 6/6 but I got the nice "rate insert failure" message... Cheers, Sacha :)
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