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So Close, Though So Far

harry eggens


© <a href="http://www.proframe.org">Proframe Photography</a>

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The bear and salmon did look eachother right in the eyes, but the bear

could'nt catch one of them. These bears overthere are very clever and

know that when they would step forewards by just an inch, they will

fall down from the top of the falls in to the river below. Shot taken

on top of Brooks falls at Katmai National Park in Alaska....Best

regards, Harry

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wow. great capture! LIke they are looking at each other and the fishes are smiling ha ha!

wonderful wild nature!


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There was a time when I would have thought this photo was the coolest, but then I saw another 50-60 photos just like it: all taken, with varying degrees of success, from exactly the same crowded observation platform in Alaska. How many others were there that same day, trying to capture the classic 'bear just about to grab the salmon' shot? This has been done better, and so many times before. And so my reaction today is ... so what? The appeal in traipsing about imitating famous photos of famous places is utterly lost on me. Your portfolio has plenty of other good, original photos. Why waste your time on another one of these?
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Even if it is a shot that has been done by others who cares? Everyone should pursue subjects of interest and pursue fun photographic adventures. It's not always about being the most original and it's often about having the most fun. I for one would be happy to add a shot like this to my collection even if I do strive to also shoot original work. It would be fun to take in this and other scenes in this area. On one hand I get your point, but your heavy handed tone is a real downer and unncessary in my opinion. Also in reviewing your portfolio it's tough to give you credit for any comments if you can't provide some reference to your own skills or originality. An empty portfolio doesn't give you much credibility. It's always easier to be a critic than a knowledgeable photographer. Perhaps your critique would be better for all viewing this photograph if you could give constructive criticism versus criticism.
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Wonderful composition, great capture, and high, "wow," factor! Tremendous image, Harry. I like the look of the Provia even in these digital days. ^_^
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Hi Harry, what a fantastic nature shot! excellent capture and composition.


I must tell you that I'm enjoying visiting your website - Proframe Photography, from time to time. Amazing photos!!


Cheers, allon.


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Jim makes a couple of good points. First, there's nothing wrong with taking a photo for the sheer joy of it. Second, my original post was too negative. For that I'm sorry.


But I do think, if photo.net is to have any value beyond sharing vacation photos, there has to be room here for a broader discussion on originality and choice of subject matter (in that context, constructive criticism on exposure or composition is irrelevant).


And it seems to me that if we are serious about photography as an art form, my original point, however poorly made, is worth discussing.

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Doesn't matter how many thousand times it's been captured... at least you can say, I've captured that rather than "uh.. I saw that shot before...". stop fighting start shooting (photos). so one day when we can't take anymore photos, we can just sit back and watch all the photos we have taken in our lifetime... enjoy. great shot anyway !
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Hi Harry,

Another wonderful image (as I expect to see from you). Some of the earlier discussion above shows how little some people know about what it takes to make such an image. I've spent hours on the same platform as you were on and never had the chance to take an image like this. I applaud your efforts.


While many have taken this shot with one fish, rarely do you see it with two.


So when is your next trip to Alaska? Spoke with Jean earlier in the week and she is doing well, looking forward to the next "Eagle season" starting soon. See you when you get here.

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I love the picture, the bear waiting for the right moment to do the first and final mouvement. of course when you know that this image have been taken 1000 times you look at it with less interest, less magic, but I do not agree with the commen that says to don't share this kind of images. I enjoy to look at it, and people shoudn't be afraid to share their "vacance" images. However I do think that any critic can be contructive and it's not good to always say it's perfect because that way we don't get any better in doing this!


Maybe with softer light. And why not try a little mouvement blur of water and salmons. I don't think we have to stay always freeze in sports and wild.


What about the satisfaction of doing the same picture 1000 times before taken BUT better than anyone before. That is fun!

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This is the very first of the 1000-or-so shots of this "bear about to catch the fish" that I have seen (Judging by the discussion, I guess I haven't been looking hard enough!!!) and I will now always compare the others that I see to this one. Lovely capture, lovely composition. Well done!!
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> Those are two lucky fish. And since I doubt I will ever get to Alaska to try a shot like this, I say Bravo. I enjoy the rush of the falls, the clever positioning of the bear and the fish who appears to be changing direction in midair. Thanks for sharing.
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