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Acupuncture #5


Nikon D70 with Tamron 28-300 zoom

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Sorry, Tim - I could not resist! My best friend goes to the acupuncturist weekly for her arthritis and swears by it...I especially like it when she comes back to work with that burnt odor...I like this the best of the series so far, because of the rising smoke, the placement of the needles, the S-curve of the back. An interesting study, to be sure!
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Lee, there is nothing to resist, you have to go with the flow. I love the smell of the smoke and ointments that are used. For people with pain issues that want to eliminate or reduce drug consumption, acupuncture works in many cases.
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Hi Tim, I think this and no.3 are best in your series. I have no idea how I would shoot it but you have found a novel way -- always transgressing, aren't you?
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Zrastvoiti, Maria!


You know, Maria, I agree. This is both informational and aesthetically pleasing. I like the tones.

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Roasting marshmallows on her back?! hehe, Im kidding, of course...and a big fan of Eastern medicine...really love how you captured the rising smoke here...great shot, artistically (as always) shot...
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Stacey, a week or so after I shot this the acupuncturist called and asked if she could have some of the photos I took that day to use in a lawsuit. Some client alledgedly got burned and was suing (sp?). I gave her some 8x10's and she was able to have the suit thrown out. After watching the results of acupuncture on my wife, I am now a firm believer in its benefits. My wife told one of our neighbors, who had been trying to get pregnant for about eight years, about our acupuncturist to a great deal of skepticism. The woman eventually did go and voila, a month later was pregnant. I see the three-year old roaming the streets everyday. Did the accupuncture have anything to do with her getting pregnant? Don't really know but I think so and the woman is happy.
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Yea....quick story of my own: when I shot "Bird in Flight", I met this fisherman. He plays badmitton (sp??) and as he was making a shot, someone ran into him, knocking two vertebrae outta whack. Six specialists and $25,000 later, he was frustrated with being told he'd have to have invasicve surgery, pins placed, and would have limited flexibility after. So he called a friend to vent, and he referred him to an Eastern medicine dude who had just flown out from China. Anyway, long story short, it took 15 minutes, 3 days for a full recovery, and $75. No drugs...no blood...and full flexibility. Do I think accupuncture and the burning alcohol balls in a glass worked? YEP! :-) Great story behind your pic...gotta love it when litigious people are defeated :-)
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