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My First Moon!


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I am so new at this... I still have NO idea what Im doing. I just

got this and Im so excited. Tell me what you think. Thanks!!

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Despite using a camrea for the last 10 years, I have never managed to photograph the moon (and I have tried).


You've done a good job.



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Melody, I like shooting the moon; I came upon it quite by accident. Congratulations on your first moon shot. Some Tips:


1. Always use a tripod

2. Set you exposure and then take several shots, underexposing each frame by .5 stops. I normally will underexpose down to 1.5 stops, sometimes 2, in .5 stop increments

3. I did not read the details yet, but if you are a film shooter use 50 or 100 speed slide film, I like Fujichrome Velvia. I don't shoot digital but I imagine that using these ISO's would work well also

4.I normally expose my Moon shots at f11

5. Keep shooting, there are some wonderful sources of information here on photo.net as well as other locations on the Web.



Please visit my page under astrophotography. Also Francisco Fuentes has some absolutely stunning images.


Keep having fun!

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Thank you so much for your kind words. I love it so much when a photographer will actually help, and give a few tips on how to achieve a certain shot. I know the moon is not necessarily a very origional subject, and I know that my shot is a little dark. But I have so-so equipment, and for my first shot... I think I did pretty darn good. I only REALLY started with this passion in Sept. and I know I have a long ways to go.

Thank You Duane, for the help on the exposure, Im waiting for my next moon to pop over the horizion. You will be the first to know! Thanks again guys!

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Remember - when shooting the Moon - the moon is VERY bright. The meter will see a lot of black and be fooled. When I made my 1st moon shots I started ay 8 seconds and finally at f3.5 and finally ended up a 1/250th (can't think of ISO but 400??).

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Melody, I agree, your first moon shot is very good; you should have seen mine: it looked like a white blurb on a blacktop highway, with absolutely no detail at all. Keep shooting, as practice makes perfect. ....I took a look at your equipment and I think you have "just the right stuff" to create images you will be pleased with. I forgot to mention that with extreme magnification you will need for your lens to be the same temperature as the ambient temperatuure you are working with. If not, the difference in temperature between the lens and the outside air, will cause thermal air currents withing the equipment that will substantially dimminish your ability to focus. You may even want to consider shooting at a higher ISO but increasing the aperture to around f16, but, I prefer the slower ISO.


Keep shooting and have fun.

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When I noticed that the moon was out, the first thing I did was put my camera in the garage... pretty cold out there. Once I had everything set up outside.. the camera went out. and sat for about 15 minutes before I shot. WOW that moon moves fast! Although I must admit, While this is my first acceptable moon shot... it was not the FIRST one the "roll" I took about 60 photos. With about only 4 being any good. Most were actually that white blob. It was about 5 degrees outside and I shot untill I could no longer feel if I was pushing buttons! I finely took it inside and this shot was achived thru my bedroom window... Im sure it could have been much better less the very dirty thermel windows! I cant wait for the next moon... Im gonna work on it some more. I'll let ya know! Thanks again for the advice!
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Melody, astrophotography is very rewarding. The advice you have received is great. It is nice to see critiques on how to improve your photo rather than just bashing it. Although your first photo is dark you will get better results the more you practice. There are some great books on astrophotography, so if you are interested pick one up. You are right in that the moon is not very original but it is still my favorite thing to photograph in the sky. Keep up the good work
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When I posted this photo I was half expecting to get a rash from a few people on how unorigional, underexposed... and such... I did get a poor rating, although I could give a hoot about those, Im learning. I was so suprised that I got such positive feedback, and people wanting to help. It gives me a renewed hope on one tough crowd! I checked out your portfolio, I must say... beautiful! I love all the critters!
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