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Auschwitz in red and black


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Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror, genocide and the Holocaust.

The German forces occupying Poland during World War II, established in

May 27, 1940 on the orders of Heinrich Himmler a concentration camp on

the outskirts of the town Oswiecim. The Germans called the town

Auschwitz which also gave its name to the nearby death camp. Over the

next few years it was expanded into three main camps: Auschwitz I,

Auschwitz II - Birkenau, Auschwitz III - Monowitz and more than 40

lesser camps. The number of victims was approximately one million,

only 667 prisoners escaped; 270 were recaptured and executed. Those

who were not evacuated where liberated by the Red Army on January 27,

1945?60 years ago. "In memory of those who were sacrificed for the

greed of power and for human stupidity, that their pain might not be

useless and that we will be ready to learn out of history." (Source:

Kohl, Robert/ Siegel, Petra/ Nei߬ Andreas: Auschwitz - Endstation


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Confusing composition, sky color is at odds with the shadows in the B&W areas, resulting in an overdone image with conflictive ingredients. Less is more..
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I have to say i really don't like this photo. It looks far too artificial and certain sections do look as though they really don't belong in the composition of the photograph. There is no natural sense left in the image which for me really takes away the point of photography
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Me imagino que con ese cielo tan rojo quieres "mostrar" el terror que alli se "malvivio", pero el efecto es bastante obvio (IMHO), quiero decir que se nota mucho donde esta el paste de ese cielo. Quizas un cielo negro dramatico, con toda la foto en BN, seria mas estetica...(siempre desde MI punto de vista). Saludos.
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impactante si que es....que supongo que es lo que quieres provocar........


creo, que hubiera puesto el cielo, en un tono de rojo mas oscuro.


un saludo



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El ByN es mucho más interesante y es suficiente.

El poste en primer plano da énfasis a la foto. La mezcla de los colores, aunque un canto al anarquismo -que apruebo- no me acaba de convencer

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