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© (c) Nathan Parton 2004

Mumbles Bay, Swansea


Some "massaging" in Photoshop was done in attempt to simulate the colours of Fuji Velvia - mostly to see if I could do it convincingly!


© (c) Nathan Parton 2004
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Lovely image with fantastic colouring. One thing I might say here is that the image seems a little lop sided. It may be the distant cloud formation that gives me that impression. However, for me, I think it's the crop. I'm not sure you have a "balance" between the left and right. I tried cropping off the flat non-rocky bit on the left and personally preferred it. Other possible things that occur to me are perhaps there is a little bit too much sky and maybe the lake being cropped off at the bottom is an issue. Probably not though, I think this a personal feeling rather than anything else.

I think you did really well with the exposure on this shot and I know I'd be proud of it if I'd taken it.

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Mark - thanks for the comments and advice. I keep thinking it's wonky but I'm pretty sure it's that cloud along the horizon. I'll have to try the cropping you suggested.

Having looked through your scenic images, your comments mean a lot - thanks!

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For me I would like to see the sky not so bright, that might help with the color I would also make the water a little more center maybe. It is a good compostion though and a very nice photo.
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Great shot. I think the horizon is straight. Could use a little tweak to bring out some more surface detail, and the sky could use some shadow/highlight adjust to bring out the clouds. Like the water to the right as -is.
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I like the water to the right, just as you have it composed here. One thing I might of tried would be to get a little closer to the pond and tilt the camera downward slightly more, putting more emphasis on the foreground which in my opinion is more interesting than the sky here. The sky seems somewhat overexposed toward the right of the image- a couple methods to help this "if you dont already know" would be to use a neutral density filter over the sky while shooting this or "more often used now days" take seperate exposures for the sky and land then blend them both together in PS. I really like the bit of sand on the left side along with the nice ridges/lines of the rock leading up to the water. A very good subject and good eyes to see this.
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The horizon is level. Easy to check. But the cloud makes it look as if it is sloping. Nothing you could do about that. What I find strangely appealing is the fact that the viewer is left with little clues with regard to the actual scale of the image. If you crop away the sand at the left it could easily look like an aerial view of a Scottish lock. In fact, can I see Nessie on the bottom right? Good effort.
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Lovely color! I like the water exactly where it is, though I might have included more of it at the bottom. The sand on the left is useful too. As others have said, I get a feeling the image is a bit off kilter, but I'm notorious at doing the same thing (often by choice, but sometimes not) and I don't think it's that big a deal. Also, I too would prefer just a *little* more detail in the foreground since the contrast between the sky and ground is so different. But all in all -- good eye, definitely a nice effort. Put more pictures up :)


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Nathan, There's a lot to like in this photo. Overall, the composition is nice and I like the subtle colors. I might have preferred a little less sky and a little more forground. A grad ND may have helped a bit. To my eye, this does seem a little off kilter. I'ts probably due to the terrain. I might consider rotating clockwise just a smidge in PS to see how that would look. As Kathy said...post more!
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