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Flore's Umpteenth Portrait


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This must be a fata morgana or is it a deja vu? Such a hunk in the middle of the meadows of Maarheeze?*@*! This is impossible! Have to try to find him. It's pitch-dark here. Need my flashlight.


I'm sure Lee goes out of her mind when I lay my hands on him.... I go now, don't know when I'll be back! Zzzzoooooof >>>>>______________________

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How DID that boy get from Austin to Marheeze so quickly?! I hope he is freezing his tushie off in nothing but his sombrero and poncho! See how much good he is to you then, Ada you sneaky woman...Look at his poor frozen fingers, stuck to the margarita glass - how will he be able to rub tanning oil, give massages, throw a pot or click a shutter? The man has no sense whatsoever - you'd best rush him right over to the horse barn and rustle up some blankets or sheep or something to warm him up!


Is this the man we were going to trust to find us a suitable residence, Ada? I understand there is finally some prime Italian real estate over on the TRP's...I may have to go rate it all 7/7's - no matter how trite or oversaturated - just to keep it there for your perusal! You know, sometimes a woman's just gotta do what a woman's gotta do...

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She can't hear you Lee, she found me! Ahhhhhh Heeeeeeeeeeeelp stooopit, stop it, I love it. hehe :)~ Ohhhhhh, Ada you bad girl you. :)))))
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So shocking! I can see the two of YOU are going to be of no help whatsoever in the househunting .. that's fine, just give me your Power of Attorney for all the money, dear Ada! You can trust me (hee, hee, hee)! Now where did I put that number for the off-shore account?....Nova! Have you been bad again?!
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I think I loose control*@.;!*<. I see palmtrees and hammocks and from a distance I hear the tirade of a desparate woman! It looks very unreal to me. I'm just back from hospital after a kneeoperation. I lay on the couch with my laptop and I honestly do my best, but my brain fails. I think I'm still under the psychedelic influence of the narcosis and morphine. I hope to get rid of those idiotic hallucinations very quick:(((



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You don't suppose anybody else reads our posts do ya. They certainly get very quiet out there whenever we get going. Shhhhh there at it again. ;)
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waiting for the next installment...Sure would hate to disappoint our loyal fans - lol! Only the most dedicated know the whole story...


Nova, our dear Ada needs us! We must rush to her bedside - insure that she doesn't take too many of those lovely drugs, and I still need to talk to her about that Power of Attorney for Financial....Meet me in NYC for the Red-Eye to Amsterdam!


Hang on, Dear Ada! We're on our way!

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It is such a balm to my wound that you two are coming from the other side of the world to comfort me!:)))

Rob is still busy to make light in the hearth. He has placed my bed in front of it and plumped up the pillows for us so we can sit around the fire, enjoying warm chocolatemilk and gingerbread. I look forward to meet you two and to share our stories with eachother. My heart pounds with anticipation, bonka, bonka, bonka.(LOL) I feel like 'Wounded Knee'! I love you both very much! Cheers and till soon, Ada;~)






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You know we are wishing you the best Ada. Just you relax and get better, Rob will do all the work ;)

Warmest Regards ~Nova~ :)

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It is only for my dearest Ada that I would leave central Texas for the Netherlands in winter! We rush to your bedside (especially now that it's in front of the fireplace!).


Tell Rob to keep that home fire burnin', because I'm going to settle on your hearth like the fattest cat you've ever seen (and NO, I'm NOT fat! It's just the down vest, 3 sweaters and the thermal undergarments that give this appearance! As If! I stay Much too busy chasing after Nova to be other than skinny, worn to a bone...)


Yum! Hot cocoa and gingerbread - tell me, do you put a little pinch of dry mustard in your gingerbread? That spices it up nicely! Nova and I will stop in the village to buy more whipping cream, as I am sure you and Rob have devoured it all ...One can NEVER have too much whipping cream, do you think?


Oh, and flowers - we must remember the flowers, Nova!

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Dearest Ada, while Lee is off finding ummm the whipping cream lol, (shame on you Rob) I did a little shopping on my own. I just dropped by the local florist and found these to keep you company untill we get there. Hope you like them, Get well soon :))))

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I don't know what to say..... I'm speechless. What a wunderful bouquet!!! Such a beautiful colours. And the unique shape of the yellow flower in the middle. This is too much for such a humble creature as I am.


Humhum...is this permitted here on PN?.....I don't care: MMMmmmm, Big hug, my dear Nova:~)))) Thank you so much!:)))) Ada.






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Have you found the supermarket in the meantime? I hope they still have whipping cream because Rob has bought 5 litres this morning and now a 1/4 is still left. My grandchildren were here this afternoon.... Can't help it but they used the cream to make a beautymask for their mum.


Don't care if you need some more time. When the shop is closed here you can go to Eindhoven, 20 km from Maarheeze, shops are open there till midnight. In the meantime I enjoy the flowers Nova bougt to me. They are so beautiful!


Take care of yourself, Lee! Hope you are well-trained in self-defence......

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Get over the initial big surprise I like to ask you if you can send me your great flower shot in a larger format. I like to print it out. I was also wondering if you, as a potter, are the maker of that very particular vase. And the beautiful window, is it a leaded window? It's great! You have worked yourself to the bone for me. It is more than I deserve, Nova:)))) Cheers, Ada:).
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Where are you??? I don't hope you are lost in the exciting nightlife of Eindhoven. We are very concerned about you and we be dying for the whipping cream! Please go to the Bikerspup! There you will meet a guy named Mike Werkhoven. I'm sure he will bring you to our adress.

Take care, Lee!:))))

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Hope your starting to feel alittle better. Ada the vase is by a friend of mine, Jack Ouellete. He is a potter in the french community of Arichat, on Cape Breton Island. The window was made by my mother. Who was a painter, potter and stained glass artist. Thanks for asking. When I picked out the flowers I remember the red one was called a lobster claw (doh) can't remember the name of the yellow one sorry.

Sure I'll send you a larger one to print Ada. On it's way. Cheers Nova :)

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I have brought you some flowers, as well, not as beautiful as Nova's - but hardy! I hope you have schnappes, because the tequila did not survive the side-trip to Eindhoven. Of course by the time I arrived in Maarhize, the shops were closed (not much night-life there in sleepy Maarhize) - and had to push on to Eindhoven after all....


It was a good thing you warned me about that dangerous place! I needed to muster all of my martial arts skills (I have raised male American teenagers, and have nerves of steel as well as cat-like reflexes)- those people hoard their whipping cream like gold! However, your dear friend Mike came to my rescue, and between the two of us with my case of tequila, we drank the entire town under the table (which means they were no longer able to stand, let alone chase after us!).


I am tardy this morning as I have had to put up at the Verkhoven's to "sleep it off" and have a bit of a hangover this morning.... We are on our way with the whipping cream and the flowers, and the three of you - plus the grandchildren - had better have saved me some gingerbread!

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So happy you are still alive!!! You don't have to make excuses Lee, in my earlier days I did the same things you did tonight. Every weekend I had a hangover and I was the terror of the Bikerspup. Didn't they ask you if you were my younger sister??? So much similarity!(LOL)


I'm glad you spend the night with Mike's family. He is a very nice guy.

Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, Lee. It surprises me that you have had time and sense to think about that! Don't worry about the drinks. We have a big supply of different spirits. From Belgium Beer till Vodka and Champagne.

What concerns the nightlife of Maarheeze, I can put your mind at rest. Their is a little pub, just around the corner of our house where you will have the time of your live. It's runned by Theo and Kees, two marvellous gay's. They play the greatest music, so we can dance on the table till the sun comes up! But I will keep my mouth shot, because of your hangover. When I be able to walk again we will spend some of our nights there ok?


Shame, but in the meantime the gingerbread is swallowed. But Rob is busy in the kitchen to prepair rabbitlegs with baked patatoes and Brussels sprouts. Do you like that? Or are you vegetarian? I hope you and Mike will soon arrive. Nova has a kind of a jet leg, we think. He and Rob went to the forest this morning to catch a rabbit for dinner tonight and what do you think? By the first movement in the bushes Nova pulled the trigger of his shotgun and shoot down the cat of our man next door. Big trouble, you understand...:((( Cat is dead and Nova has a black eye. He lays in our garden house, curtains closed, with a rare steak on his face and is not approachable:((((LOL)


You see Lee, we long for your arrival so you can cheer us up!:~))))) Ask Mike to drive carefully. He is a wild biker! Latch onto him when you are on the back, he likes that! Or did he put you in the side car?(LOL)


See you soon,Lee:~))))) Cheers, Ada and the rest of the crew:)

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Meat - the perfect thing for a hangover! After I have chewed the raw steak I stole from Nova's face I shall be glad to sit down to a civilized meal! Clinging to Mike on that bike worked up an appetite - staring Death in the face once again...and I thought the Netherlands was such a peaceful country!


Even gentle Nova is wounded? Well, but honestly - to mistake a cat for a rabbit! We shall have to take him to the optometrist's! I am sorry for the poor kitty, and cannot blame the neighbor one little bit.


As far as eating rabbit is concerned - I don't believe I ever have. I spent a year at university in Nice, and always laughed whenever I saw those furry feet sticking out of a shopping bag! Why do they leave the skin on the feet, I wonder? Perhaps you explain it to me, Ada! For some reason rabbit's feet are considered tokens of good luck here in the US - and people used to carry them on their key chains. Not lucky for the rabbit, anyway!


The pub of Theo and Kees sounds wonderful - I am slender (although tall) and will not break the tables when I dance upon them! We will wait until your knee is completely healed, as I hate to dance alone...Then they shall know we are sisters of the heart, if not the blood!


Hoping you are soon back on your feet, dear Ada! You tell Rob that I said he must take very good care of you...all my best to the family!

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Geezz I'm here a hurting. And all you two can think about is dinner. Rabbit I thought you wanted Chineese. Doh what an idot! See girls all the pain I go through for you two. Well really your both more than worth it. So hey whats today, Ah yes! Thought I forgot eh! Well I've got Rob and Mike both locked in the wood shed. Time to Party!!!!


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in "Ladies First"! A gem beyond compare! Of course we are thinking of our dinners - we have to keep up our strength for dancing on tables! Dear Ada is still hobbling about, so while you were wrestling with Rob and Mike, dear Nova - I tossed her on the back of the Harley (that Mike, such a rebel!) and we have zoomed off to the pub of Theo and Kees (do you think Ada meant to describe them as "a couple of gay's"?) in Maarhize!


Nova - Ada has a bicycle there somewhere! Do you think with your one good eye you can see the road? Be careful of your depth perception...we already know what a rotten shot you are (Chinese food, indeed ! It's a good thing I did not bring my little dogs with me!).

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I'm so grateful to you,Lee that you will try to heave me on the Harley. It's a very good idea to take me out. I gonna get crazy here. After staring more than 5 days into the flames I start te become a bit psychedelic. I thrilled to go to 'De Ark', that's the name of the pub. But I ask myself, shouldn't it be very nice if the other two guys accompany us?:))) I'm sure Theo and Kees will be so happy. These two generally speaking only get farmerboys in their establishment. I'm sure Nova will steel the show with his black eyepatch. That's like a red lag to a bull for Kees. He is crazy about moustached pirates and if Theo sees the muscled torso of Mike, Oh My Oh My, he goes out of his mind!


We can also used dinner there, they served very well tasted barfood. Rob will be very happy.....sighhhh..finally one evening no chores. (LOL)


Nova I'm so glad that you no longer hide yourself in our cold and cheerless gardenhouse:))). We don't blame you for your mistake, can happen to all of us, humhum:) Listen, we have made a very good deal. The owner of the Chinees restaurant here in Maarheeze likes to buy the cat from us because he expect important gasts this weekend. My neighbour provided that, to be pardoned you for the blunder, you have to flay his dead sweetheart. That job has to be done very carefully because the cat must after it is stuffed, be displayed at my neighbours mantelpiece.

Isn't that a nice arrangement? I think so.:)))


Well, now everybody is happy I think it's time to go. Come on Lee, put on your dancing shoes, Nova, put on your scarf, it's cold outside. Rob do you have an extra well filled wallet in your back pocket?

OK, Mike, start the motorcycles!:)


Kees and Theo, Here we come!!!!!! (LOL)


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