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Fall colors

Erik Lundh

Some Photoshop

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Very nice image. Great job.

I thought I recognized your work. You also did a long exposure shot of a waterfall, right? That was very nicely done as well. Good work.

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Erik, bro...

I'm proud of ya boy! look at this! This is spectacular...top notch...I'm jealous, and I'll have to copy ya...unless you copied my desaturated leaf shot???

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I like this effect and it's employed very well, but I think the effect is weakened by the amount of yellow spread across the image. Since the image is in focus all the way through I might employ a tactic to mute the yellow in the areas that are secondary to the primary areas of interest (the leaves in the foreground). The muted yellow would re-enforce the repetition of color and shape, but would allow ones eye to settle on the brightest most saturated leaves. Just an idea that might help you put some polish on this shot. Very well done.
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It looks great, what did you do to make a shot like this?


I'm just getting started with photography........

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This is a trip into dof. Love the chosen zoom. Nothin like a good quality lens being used properly. No eye candy ps'ery needed here...this is whats called photograpy. 7/7
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