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This is one of the first pictures I've ever taken with my new digital camera. I know everyone will say something about how I clipped the image at the bottom but I'm very new at this so give me a break. It was taken in S.F. Ca. at a downtown gallery.


I just aimed and clicked. Pretty technical I know.

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It's a great poster, and well worthy of a photo.

I know everyone will say something about how I clipped the image at the bottom but I'm very new at this so give me a break.

You've got a digital camera - you get instant feedback. So take a few seconds to scrutinise the picture you've just taken, and if something is wrong - do it again!. In this case the focus and exposure are spot-on, but more careful framing would get the corner of the poster in, and eliminate the destracting edge of window on the extreme right.

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I would agree that the right most edge should be cropped. I love the texture of this image. The crumbling paper and dilapidated look is just dripping with symbolism. I look forward to seeing what you'll have for us in the future. Good eye!
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The poster with its texture and grafitti was well-spotted and well worth presenting. But if your aim was to present/reproduce the poster, I think a straight-on view would have worked better. This would have focused more attention to the wrinkles and the grafitti, which is what you are bringing to the photo, the rest of the art not being yours, but that of the poster.


You can still achieve this by using the "Free Transform" function in Photoshop, which is what Ian was probably referring to. I would also crop out the window on the right. While you are in Photoshop, you might sharpen it a bit more and adjust the contrast, as in the small example I have attached.


As for the clipping it is a serious problem, so serious that if it had been my picture I would not have posted it all, rather than posting it with a plea to ignore the photo's faults. What were you hoping for with such a plea: "Great photo, except for all the problems!"

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