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The Raven


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i like this a lot. the only thing that i might negatively critique on is the different shades of black. because the tires are darker than the land and raven, it looks a little forced. other than that. i like it a lot.
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I love the crows, each with a distinct personality. This is a great capture , crows often have something to say about most people going by and this one appears to be no different! Well Done.
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to ME - the crow looks to fake, looks like a paper cutout - it's TO perfect - great composite though - but just being honest.
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My tube is 1 month away from being replaced - if there is any detail on the crow then I'll take it all back. I am a crow lover - they are the only bird that plays,

Long story short - I saw one stack 5 onion rings on top of each other, put his beak through them and take off.

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I love the photo, and think the title contributes immensely to the mood of it, this photo could be interpreted so many ways depending on how it is presented. That said for me personally I can't get over it not being a raven at all, looks like a crow or grackle, and doesn't have the sort of regal, heavy bearing that a raven has and that I would expect from that title, and as a result the title makes the image a little weak in contrast. I respect the feeling that this title is trying to convey but it doesn't fit for me. There are so many other places you could go with it. Excellent job on the photo either way, the saturation is very pleasing with that composition.
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Is it an actual photograph or a scene of composite images blended?


I don't see any written description that it is a composite but it sure looks like one.

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I like the concept quite a bit. But the raven looks a little too sharp, like it has been inserted (maybe it was? dont know.) And the background looks too much like an artificial gradient. Finally the ground on which the bike is riding is too perfectly flat, makes that part of the photo a little stagnant when it should be more dynamic I feel.


Otherwise I love the contrast of size and how its not what you would expect to see looking at a photo.

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