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Fairy tale Falls

Erik Lundh

Some Photoshop

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Thsi is an absolutely stunning shot. The Lighting is key, the continuous rock formations are perfectly angled by you. Did you alter or Post Process the shot at all? what kind of lens were you shooting with? What speed, aperature. I generally am not moved by stuff withought a soul (IE: rocks and moss) but you gave this waterfall a soul and it is greatfull to you for it!



Shayne Laverdi貥

I would love to see more of your pictures

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I shot this with a Nikkor 12-24mm DX lens @24mm, 3 sec's, f13 with a polarizer. Not much ps adjustments except your normal wb adjustments, sharpening and selective color with s&h adjustments along with saturation and brightness/contrast.
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Very beautiful one Eric. The filtered sunrays appear as water spectrals by illusion. Clever title. Great colour rendition. 7/7
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Erik, I think this is perhaps my favorite shot of yours. The lighting and color in most of this extraordinary. I especially like the lighting in the bottom left corner. Shutter speed is also perfect. The water in the top right corner is a little hot, but it doesn't detract to much. Very nice.
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Thanks for all the kind comments. I went into this area thinking that the light might be too harsh and contrasty. Little did I know that it would play into my favor!
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Eric, I am also impressed by this image, composition is very tight and it fits this scenario very well, great colours, light makes this image stands out, beautifull textures, great presentation of water (except couple of hot spots, but that's almost unnoticable). I am surprised you were able to shoot at 3s with such a light and didn't overexpose most of the fall.




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Hi Eric, I have not seen any waterfall shots that are better than this one and rarely have I seen one that compares. Stunning and of course congratulations.
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