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"Best Friends" Revisited


"Best Friends" Sigrid and Maddie

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this is something that definately caught my eye! I love this shot! I think it captures the emption of the moment, it tells a story and it seems very marketable. Not to mention it is also perfectly exposed and I liek the composition too! ok... so I'm gushing... but I think it's worth it. thanks for sharing!
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white dresses over black background, dark hair over white background. perfect composition. slow shutter speed to capture dress movement. i like it all. this is simply a great shot. 7/7 A.
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This is an exceptional photo! Great composition, contrast, lighting and subject. Classic is the perfect word. Are they twins?
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I love these best friends shots that you do, Durr!! You know I do!! Is this a more recent shot of the same girls yet older ... or is it a shot from awhile back? Regardless, it's gorgeous!! Warm regards!!
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This is the same photo from two years ago. I worked on it some more and retoned. I think I like it better. Thanks again.
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This is really a great image, well toned, nicely balanced image and it expresses, friendship, laughter, love and carries a lot of emotion. I can only image the young ladies to be either twins or best friends. It portrays so much feeling.
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