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© 2005 SteveBroyles.com

flat water blues


Nikon D70 shot at iso 1600Original date/time: 2005:01:05 15:35:26Exposure time: 1/1250F-stop: 5.6


© 2005 SteveBroyles.com

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this was my first 'shoot' with the new D70. Testing out the high ISO

setting- I'm pretty sure it was at 1600 or 1250. Clearly, this shot

*could* have been made at a lower ISO, but I'm wondering if people

feel like the noise is objectionable?

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Steve, not a bad idea and I did not see too much noise. I think it would be more dramatic if you can use a smaller aperture (say f11 or even f16) which might improve the flatness IMOP.
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