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Canon A80, ISO 50, cloudy WB, in-camera vivid, 2-sec self timer, aperture priority @f8, -1/3 exp-comp, handheld. Manipulation: None.

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The exposure throughout is perfect. I love the GIANT flower combined with your signature reflection...what's not to like??
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Beautiful composition Wilson. I've seen my share of compositions around this place and in my opinion you have a very natural eye for it. I've seen you make something out of nothing far too many times for it to be just accidental. The red flower off center to the lower left here is balanced just right by the four larger pads in the upper right. The slightly off colored pads in the upper left bring a nice change of color in this scene altogether. And there are many other things I could point out. This just works, because you made it work! Very nicely seen and captured.


That said Wilson, I do have a little constructive counsel for you on this image in particular, as well as in general. I did not notice what focal length this was shot at but can assume this is fairly close up. That being the case, while shooting at f/8 did give you enough depth of field to make this image work, technically I believe it is still lacking in depth to take it it the next level. The background, which essentially makes this image complete in my mind, is still quite soft comparatively speaking. Anytime we are shooting closer-up, say 35mm and up (unlike when using very wide angle) you often need to stop down as far as you can IF you wish the background to be sharp. My guess as to why you did not go further perhaps f/11-f16 is because you had no more shutter speed room left for shooting this hand-held. Had you used a tripod, you would have been able to shoot this from F/8 to f/22 and everywhere in between to really give you the absolute best image possible. Many times I have found a scene like this and shot at both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. Most of the time the greater depth of field images turn out to be the real winners. This image here would be outstanding if yyou did stop down even further, making the entire scene tack sharp.


In general terms now, I have noticed this same type of info in the tech details of most of your work... hand-held. While I seriously do commend your skills in being able to accomplish sometimes several seconds of fairly crisp hand-help work, in the end it is still a practice you would be better off getting away from. As a j-peg, sure, enough sharpening and photoshop work will make it posible. Try printing anything substantial in terms of size and all those over-sharpened pixels stand out like a very sore thumb. They literally make the prints worthless. Same applies with any type softness, it just shows up in a very unflattering manner as you blow the images up. This image here would be a perfect example from my own experiences. Here is an example of a photographer that reminds me quite a bit of you:




Almost every single time he touches a camera to go shooting, that tripod is attached to his body. And you can see the quality especially in detail/sharpness in all of his work. You too will see a tremendous difference in the quality of your own work once you begin to embrace this practice in your shooting. These suggestions are in no way trying to pick on you my friend, Like I said above, you have a very gifted eye to do this. I just think taking the rest of this process to the next level will help you reach even greater heights in this craft that we all enjoy. Just my opinion here Wilson. You do have some top quality images in your folders. Mahalos my friend.

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I appreciate them all.


Aloha, Vincent. Very valid points and I understand, and am totally aware of all the details you've so kindly laid out. I really appreciate you taking the time.


Vincent, you have to excuse some of my images (those taken with a Canon A80, minimum aperture of f11,) because they were taken with a little digital compact and that's what I often have on my belt pouch on business trips (non-photographic related) or family vacations. A little tabletop tripod is the most I'll be toting around. I do realize the limitations of this set up, as well as its abilities. I do use tripod whenever I can. BTW, this image here had to be hand held (focal length set widest, around 35mm,) otherwise the tripod will have to be 10 feet tall and in the pond (see RE's posted image above, below those giant leaves, is all water.)


My friend, if I ever be so lucky / fortunate enough to call photography a profession, and have a need to make 20 x 30" gallery prints, then man, I'll be toting a Pentax 6x7 and a Gitzo 1228 & ArcaSwiss B1 around the globe. Brah, there's a reason why I got to Banana Belt late, if you know what I mean. I really both admire and envy the individuals like yourself, Kenneth, etc. who gets to, "have your cake and eat it too."


Vincent, when I started on PN, my main goals were 1.) to build a collection of travel images for, "personal enjoyment," 2.) to learn from others with common interests, and 3.) may be make a friend or two along the way. I never really participated nor interact much at all (notice my lack of comments and contributions,) until this year. Personal enjoyment, check. Learn from others, check, check. And make a friend or two, Check, check, check. May be your comment is a wake up call for me to set new, higher goals.


. . . wait a tick, (self-contemplation) . . .


Ahhhh, yes. Okay. Can't drop everything and go play pro photog for now. Gotta hold a day job. But, I think I'll take this note, write it in a wish list, and convert it into, "The Goal" on a later date, and hope to make it sooner than later. Meanwhile, I have to settle with shooting household goods with 4x5 Toyo View, Cambo Stand, and ektachrom 64 in the company studio (the word, "boring" immediately comes to mind.)


Conclusively, Vincent, I thank you very much for your caring, honesty, and insightfulness. Meanwhile, please don't stop looking and commenting at my works, and I, along with other gazillion other PNers, sure won't stop checking out yours.


Many Mahalo, Brah.



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What a nice reply there Wilson! I hope that you DO take an even more serious approach in the near future. Many photographers do hold a normal job as well, but START the process of putting together a serious portfolio while holding that day job. So if the day comes when they do make a move into the professional world, the ball has already been rolling. One friend of mine whose work is here below eventually retired early and does this full time now. Basically just traveling all over the country. He started however, while still in the working mans routine. Check out Don's work when you get a chance... some great stuff. At any rate I certainly appreciate your thoughts on the subject and look forward to watching your growth continue. We will meet the next time we're on the same island. Probably in good ole Wally-world!....go figure. Aloha.



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Hi Wilson, after reading Vincent's sincere comments on your photographic style I feel I have to share with you some personal experiences as well. Ever since a little more than a year ago I started posting my works to PN and moved away from PBase. I find this site more useful and must admit I learnt a lot from it. Digital has made photography a passion as I now have the chance to process my own works and not be dependant on the labs. While using prosumer cameras is good enough for PN posting I am always very envious whenever I see those awesome shots by pros in PN. When I realise that this can be achieved if I get back to reasonably good quality SLR cameras with digital and interchangeable lenses I was really hooked. Anyone can do it and it doesn't really cost a bomb. Of course you can invest in the best equipment but with today's technology any reliable brand (6 to 11 megapixel DSLR camera) with reasonably priced top rated lenses and accessories will suffice.


My work now involves test printing of high quality 13" X 19" sample images for exhibitions. Now I never leave home without a good reliable camera and tripod and remote switch for photography. And I am glad to say that it has provided a push for me to attain a higher level in search of excellence. Like Vincent says, the proof is in large sized print quality. ^_^

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Wison, what a nice and colourfull composition you made here.

I love it.

Thanks for sharing that amazing flower!!!!

I will rate it high for you!

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How elegant,the pink Waterlily in the big Space of the Pond. Also to recognize,the Building in the Pond,where Your german Friend posted,also a beautiful Picture at one Time,and nice the Picture, he took of You. Amazing what a huge sharp Inpact You got out of that small Camara,that takes a Genius.
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Appreciate all your feedback in valuable inputs. Vincent, Alec, your points are very well taken, and totally understood. By no mean I only hand hold my shots, and only rely on a little consumer grade digital compact. To me, the priority is, "fun," (personal enjoyment,) and I not only mean just having fun with the process of capture and printing (I do print 12x18 for weddings as well,) but the different, playful angles, and unique situations in which a little digital compact can be a real advantage. I'm not sure how extensive one is able to weed through my porfolio on a regular basis, so to make it more convenient, I've gathered a few presentations to elaborate both a.) handhold vs. tripod, and b.) digital compact vs. DSLR issues. Hand-held Canon A80 images , Canon A80 on tripod , hand-held Nikon D70 , and Nikon D70 on tripod . Please draw your own conclusions and voice your opinions as you see fit. Whether you do or not, I really appreciate all the feedback. ^_^
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