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An me quadar ad Venezia...


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Fine Art

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Very nice... painting. A bit too far from photography. There's a place where painting and photography sometimes join hands. This one of yours leaves photography behind and walks alone. Very pleasent to see and well executed, though.
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You've done very nicely making this photograph look like a watercolor (right down to the canvas texture) but I'm left wondering why not paint a watercolor to begin with? I agree with the above post. This would make a nice painting, but as photography, well, it isn't really photography any more. (this is not meant to be an insult to you as a photographer, just saying that anyone who looked at this would not think it was originally a photograph) I feel this way about all of the photo - paint conversions of late, not just yours.
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Very nice. I understand the argument in the above critiques, but it took considerable skill and artistic eye to arrive at the end result. This does not look to me like a case of applying several filters and heh presto, instant water colour. Very well done indeed.
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...I agree with you but....BUT:

I have seen about 20 "photos" in the TOP PHOTOS OF ALL TIMES that don't seems to be "photo" but DIGITAL CREATIONS with one of the various programs for creating graphics like 3D MAX or COREL DRAW.

My images are create starting with a PHOTO.




Thanks for yours critique!!

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Bella Mario, un altro splendido lavoro!!

Non te la predere per le critiche, in fondo lasciano sempre il tempo che trovano...

Dal canto mio spero di vedere ogni giorno una tua nuova creazione, 蠳empre una gioia per gli occhi e nuova fonte di inspirazione!! Ciao e auguri!!

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A very interesting discussion about what is a photo and what is not - rather then give my opinion I will ask some questions:

1) who decided what is too much manipulation ?

2) are changing the contrast, brightness, etc in the dark room of the masters of old not manipulation?

3) I agree this is no longer what the original photo looked like but who should decide what it should represent at the end and why put restrictions on it - art is meant to be totally without boundaries - no one should dictate what and when to stop - oops I just added my own comments - but in a way it is a question

4) what about the great photo masters who use filters - using polarizers, star filters, or even airbrushing a model so she looks perfect - is that not changing the real to something unreal ?

5) then finally I must say that this final outcome no matter how much it is removed from the original it nevertheless is the end result and based on a real place


I think the problem stems from being a purist and looking at a creation as pure photo or pure painting or pure anything - the beauty of art is that there should be no boundaries on how you get to the final product - the final product should stand by itself and the merits of the art should be the thing itself and not what it started out as or how you got there - just enjoy what you see because that is what it is all about - we got to realize that with the digital world we no longer can look at photography as we did before - this is a new art form and we need to let the results stand on their own merits


And finally I want to say that I find it very well done and I would be proud to hang it up in my home



John Alives

Photo Arts Creations

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I think this work is fantastic!! Yes, it is manipulated. It is manipulated masterfully and artistically, and I think it matters the most!

Photography is just another medium for art and who cares what you do to achieve the art vision.


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I love it. very pleasing to see. Most of the photos are manipulated in some manner. Your expression of photo art is greatly appreciated.
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7/7 for the picture and 10/10 for the Photoshop work. I don't know where I should rate it....Very nice.

Best regards


Merry Christmas and season's greetings.

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--at all!!

John, thank you for your critique! I agree with you naturally....most of the beautiful girls on patinated calendars are "CREATED" in PS: IS THIS REALITY????????


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Caro Mario, non prendertela! Sappiamo benissimo che il tempo dell'Arte Digitale e' all'inizio e che il suo cammino impetuoso ci portera' grandi soddisfazioni! Noi amanti del digital/creativo stiamo pagando i malumori di talune persone che si aggrappano ancora alle regole della defunta fotografia analogica. Ciao...Gere
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Siccome sono un purista e sono geloso....ti do un bel 2! Ahahahah scherzo scherzo....bellissima creazione. Devo dire che sei propio bravo ed hai una straordinaria fantasia. Ancora bravo!
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...I preferred to know why some people rate low (eg.3/3) whitout critique...!

If i don't like a photo, I don't rate the photo or i leave a comment to explain the motivation of my low rate....

I think that on Photo.net there are so many gelousy....members!!!!

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Good work !

Non te la prendere Mario anche a me un balordo ha votato delle mie foto 1/1 e anche 3/3, anche se poi nel commento ti scrivono bene..

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Perfect for me dear Mario!

wonderful! A real Piece of art! I would hang it on my wall for sure! Beautiful!

Well done. bravo.


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I think that John Alives said it all about Photography!

This is a new category PhotoArt! and ART has no limit! Art is Creation no mather the means!

I love it. This is art from a photograph!

Brillant PS work!

Bravo Mario!

I am with you daer Friend!


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I admire your skills in changing the image to look like watercolour. It is beautiful and probably you have changed it by a single click YET it is very pleasing to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.



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I don't care if this is a photo or art. I LOVE IT! Can you please teach the rest of us how to get from a photo to this watercolor form. I would like to try it myself. Thanks for sharing!
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Probably like most of us, I think of photography as an artistic medium. Digital tools stretch the limits of that medium to the extreme. The difference those tools make, I think, is the degree of distance they can introduce between the intial contact of photographer & subject and the final product. Digital tools extend the dialogue between photographer and subject.

One of the great challenges of photography is forming a way of seeing - a photographic sort of vision. Digital tools change the terms of that seeing by radically extending the creative possibilities available in forming one's way of seeing.

That said, I think your choice of manipulation fits the subject well adding a nice touch to your composition. I was a bit distracted, though by the degree of canvas texturing that jumped out at me when I saw the larger version. Personally, I would soften that effect just a bit. Thanks. I think I may try something like this.

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