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ian cameron

A wonderful sunset over Hopeman Bay seemed to echo the shapes and patterns formed by the multilayered ochre coloured sandstone rocks as it succumbs to a rising tide invasively seeping along a channel. The reflected light really caused the rocks to glow. Please feel free to visit my website, access times are a lot more rapid now. Transient light, There are some superb new shots at Timecatcher too.

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The top half of the central slab of rock was unavoidably darkened

when I placed a hard 0.6ND grad and dropped it to the horizon. I

lightened the top half of the rock a little in PS. I think it

improves on the original transparency. Everything else is an

accurate match for colour and density.

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Boy, you can really pick out photos taken on those larger format cameras...the detail jumps right out of the screen. As the photographer, you did pretty darned well, too. Lovely composition and tremendous perspective. Well done.
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Great shot as usual Ian. Good idea to find this rock formation as a subject to support the sky and rest of the composition. Nice little lead-in with the reflection but it kind of leads off to the right with no where to go, was there something blocking you on the right hand side?


Anyway, great choice on the grad filter and the minor PS work. It looks great!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone it is very much appreciated. The rocks at Hopeman are quite beguiling. In answer to the question of what is on the right hand side of this image. The rocks turn from that orangey yellow to quite ugly and heavy black. As with most situations the photographer often has to extract the beauty within a scene. To the casual observer it is quite likely that this would have been passed by without a second glance. Visual photoshop I suppose.
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