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...I've got many words for this one. Lets stick with "Original" which absolutely true; just...yep, original. Technically good, by the way, nice lighting and exposure, and of course good composition.
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for the first time in a long time I am at a loss for words. might suggest a different colored background and table top to bring out the colors of the shells but beyond that I am still at a loss.
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Reminds me of summer holidays by the sea. Early teens. They were everywhere. Salt on the skin. Fresh, perfectly legal, eat as much as you like.

Good exposure; needs moisture maybe - ye olde spray bottle?

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"...eat at as much as you like". O.K. but not raw, buddy. They are filtering the sea water extracting all the dirt from it. A good addition to what Pete just offered us ? Not only edible but delicious if baked with rice in their own shells. Need a receipt? Pleasing shot. Regards. Blago
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First things first: This image suffers a little from the reproduction, I fear: It appears a little 'muddy'. I'm interested to know if you chose a background that lacked contrast with the shell and the edible 'fruit' of the shellfish, or if it were whiter and thus more contrasty, and if so, I'd try to enhance that. In any case, I still prefer to see it more enhanced, and think it's make more of a pleasing photo - it doesn't have to be white, but this photo comes across as 'muddy' to me -- suggest working with Photoshop's 'auto contrast' and if that doesn't work (if you have Photoshop at all), try brightness and contrast adjustments, and see what you get.


Now, I want you to know that I'm not one of them there sexual preverts who sees sexual referencences in everything, but somehow your title, and a quick view of this image, did not have me thinking of shellfish . . . .


And I came upon it from a link that referred to a man's sexual parts, which makes me think that the sender of that link also was thinking along those same lines.


The dual use of the word 'lips' to denote the shellfish and the female genitalia seems to me more than accidental, and very a pro pos, given the subject matter -- a little pun and a wink for those who can 'see'?


You might try glancing at my single photo portfolio for a photo of a Bird of Paradise flower, (Fleur Oiseu de Paradis) for which regrettably I cannot now provide a link, to see how sometimes sexuality can creep into ordinary images.


(Of course, flowers are enormously sexual, their sole purpose being to reproduce, and they are, indeed, giant, if inanimate, sexual organs.)


All that aside, I like your composition, and wouldn't change it.

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Very good composition and the lighing is good too. I find the spillage happening on the right side a bit distracting. I think the exposure is a little dark.
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I think the background is not ideal and the colours as well a bit flat. But the idea and the composition are ....excellent. Maybe you should have put it in "nudes" category. (5/7)
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The composition is OK, I thought the ligthing was not that good till I made a few adjustments, the subject is............umm.......yeah it's one of these..........that kinda looks like one of those.

But for someone who's never seen one of those, what would one of these look like?

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