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Blue RED


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Love the composition of this image. Color of the umbrella brings your eye to the corner and the wave of the foams brings you around.
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Beautiful photo. I like the patterns of the waves, and in the sand. The splash of color from the beach umbrella is the crowning touch.
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You've managed something that's eluded everyone recently: a photo of the week that I like (even rated it weeks ago) ;-)



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The composition is nice, the red is eye catching, but the vast expanse of dull colored sand is like a wet blanket for this otherwise nice shot.
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Perfect composition, a text book example for shape, pattern, color and contrast. I think thats enough for a POW.
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What? A POW that has bright red in it and it's natural? Something beautiful that isn't faked?


This photograph has a classic, simple composition and great balance. Very good technically, too. I makes me want to be there.


And that's the nicest thing anyone can say about anything. Well done.

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I'm really happy for your POW, I saw your shot a couple of days ago and it impressed me. I also suggest to visitors to take a look at Paulo's portfolio, there are many other interesting photos.
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I like this one, too. Nice, simple graphic composition and the umbrella makes a natural "period" to end the sentence. Congrats on POW ;-).
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This photo confused me at first. When looking at it from a fair distance from my monitor (which I did at first) I didn't know that the red object was an umbrella! I had no idea what it was, but it did bring my eyes to it and suck me in! Then I realized what it was. Anyways, the photo has a nice use of blue and red (two very attractive and rich colours) and it is composed well too!

Congrats on POW

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Well done. The patterns and color are great. It would have much less impact if not for the red umbrella. Umbrella also adds nice balance
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I enjoyed your folder very much... Particularly your black and white fences! Nice use of color in this shot... Wish the black structure behind the person with the white strip below it was not there. Having said that.. I still love the position of the umbrella on the beach and the great color combo of red and blue~!
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i would have preferred a different angle--maybe from 100meters to the right of this location, so that the angle you were looking at would have cut out a lot of that wasted brown sand. I don't like how close to the corner the umbrella is. The colours are nice, but saturated colour is too easy to come by with either film or photoshop...
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The large expanse of sand is every bit as important as the water and the umbrella. Without that scale the feeling of being alone in paradise is lost.
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"Wish the black structure behind the person with the white strip below it was not there."-- Mary Ball


I had the same thought on first viewing, but I now feel the black (and white) help set off the red even more. Nonetheless, I do applaud your attempt to attack the POW, even if it's in your own incredibly polite way ;-)

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Your comment implies that looking realistic is always desirable. I am not a fan of over-saturated nature pictures, but it really works here, mainly because it's not your standard nature shot and relies quite heavily on a mildly abstract element. Desaturation would lessen the impact of the shapes that drive this photo, IMO.

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Great picture, well balanced colors. Do you have some details about exposure time and apperture?




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