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Dinner Time ???

harry eggens

Taken on the fifth of November 2004 travelling in a Buggy over the tundra northwest of Churchill in Canada.Proframe Photography


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Wouldn't it be great to capture such a scene???...., but I

didn't!!!.......These are two different shots/slides, put together by

me in Photoshop. I like the way the Polar Fox is looking to the left

and the Ptarmigan to the right, and put together it seems like they

did meet eachother that moment. Hope you like it like I do....Best

regards, Harry

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this is national geograpic quality having the fox showing his tongue is the icing on the cake. I would clone out the dark object it would improve the image.
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Seamless stitching for great impact and humor. The whites are great and, of course, that tongue!
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I agree--this is an amazing photo. I personally think that it would be just as good without the digitally inserted bird. 7/6
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Harry i tend to agree with Eric. The white fox is rare enough and when taken with a great camera in a natural setting would stand alone on its own merit. A ps enhancement seems to actually cheapen the shot no matter how well done..and this is done well...and its here now.


Theres always a down side imo to messing with a shot with ps. Here it looks perfectly done but unatural in the sense theres no bird tracks like there is the fox in the snow. So it looks fake to a degree and contrieved when measured against the hypothetical senerio being attempted. So what was to be a perfect shot is made better but scores lower, from me anyway. 6/6

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....with you Paul as it comes to fake, but sometimes I just cant resist to do things like that. I do like the fox on it's own in the snow with his tongue out of his mouth, but did try to give the image a little extra by putting the Ptarmigan in from another image taken at the same day just a few minutes earlier. It does'nt matter to me that points ranking will be a little lower now. i just wanted to know what people in general think about PS work like this...Thanks for dropping by and your comments. I can live with them....lol.....Cheers, Harry
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I love it. At my first lookt i didn't realise it was a composition. :) Anyway its excellent. I specially like having this red tongue among all that white. I like it a lot. :)
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Harry these last few images you uploaded are simply amazing and are wonderful for press releases such as mags and books..

A really great sense for capturing moments tht are remarakable...


I really like the diagonal between the two and wht the story is about, however the rock at the background compets with the other main subjects, since it contrast well with the white..

Just my op...

Continue shooting...YOUR NO LESS A A SUBERB PRO..


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I hate to agree with Paul, but I do (LOL). You have done a wonderful PS job though. I like the fox licking his lips. Nice work.
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I was very puzzled with this image before I read it was a ps edit. I thought the bird was about to chase the fox away in order to get it's part of, what I suppose, is pray in the background... But with the presence of the bird explained, I am still wondering: what is this object in the background? Seems that it was obviously something to the foxe's taste...
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Good humour as the result of your edit. It appears to me that the fox is not only licking its lips but, how do you say? 'marking its territory' or something of that description. Was this the case?
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Nice title. Sure it looks like one..... lol


Nice composition and great exposure. Nice work. Best regards.

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