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a. a.

Film photography. No digital work.

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Hello Misha, I like the tone gradient you have used here. I like the work, it's good. I half think this might have had more impact with less plant in the frame, had you looked at simpler composition, or was that not possible?


Best wishes. Pete

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Sarah and Peter


Thank you for the kind notes and feedbacks.


I agree with you Peter. I have tried with less trees in the frame as well but the tones didn't come as good as this one so I posted this one.


In this particular location I moved around to consider different compositions but this was one of few that I liked so I kept this many trees in it. I had to cut the left tree or we would've seen many more elements on the left.


Thank you for the great observation.


Kind regards



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Hi Misha.


The understated serried forms here are most pleasant. The monotone treatment has given them an other-worldly eldritch character, and the unusual view point heightens this dramatically. You have captured the texture of the foliage and the bark wonderfully producing a very successful photograph.


Regards, Nick.

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I wish I was able to use English language as well as you use it, instead of butchering it.



Thank you for the great observation. Since I'm a bit out of touch with landscape photography anytime that I want to work a series about a geographical location I try to take a little time and think about my compositions and what I want to represent. I took this shot in South West of the USA (I think Las Vegas) and I was trying to show some other aspects of life in the area instead of typical hotel shots, parties, colors, gambling etc, so I did the whole series in Black and White or sepia from the areas which are the least touristy . Las Vegas is hot during the summer and a bit lonely for people who work during long nights in service industry and sleep during morning. I saw this bunch of trees in front of an older and less popular hotel which inspired me with the mentioned idea in mind. In addition I found more singled bushes, empty food containers in unusual locations, new unfinished schools, bus stops and people in bus stops, local car mechanics, retired people while shopping etc.



If I get a chance I'll scan some of them hopefully.



Thank you again. Your feedbacks help me in my English as well as photography.







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