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Early morning in Venice...


PS 7.0 + Corel Painter 8

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Fine Art

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I spent some time looking at this strange image, even downloaded, it removed the frame and worked it in PS to see what the original image looked like. So what I'm going to say here is not just a "Quickie" First of all, a lot of the praise above, including that in Italian, is just nonsense and could apply to any of the images that these folks are busy "praising". The falsety of this type of praise masks the image's problems, which are many. For me this is the problem: Is the image, a very standard Venice tourist shot, the real intent of display here? or is it the base for the poor manipulation which is actually being shown here? If the poster is sincerely interested in images/feedback then I will say...this is NOT a good image. The challenge with Venice, because it is so extremely overphotographed and usually very, very poorly, is to present a different and interesting image. I feel that the poster realized that this was an issue and attempted to present a different image by manipulating it. But the problem is, now we have the manipulation showing and nothing more. My viewpoint is that when manipulation takes place, it has to be done well and should help the basic image in correcting problems in the image or perhaps "styling" it in a manner that makes it more interesting, more attractive. In this case it did NOT come off well...
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Well, as one who has seen Venice during the day, at night, at dusk and dawn, I can say that this is Venice captured in one of its suggestive corners, with the lamps throwing light on the walls and on the reflections in the water. The effect is fantastic. Venice is a living painting and you contributed to give life to it. Bravo!
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Meravigliaose tonalitࠥ gioco di luce! Si, sono daccordo con Carlo: Una foto meravigliosa da godere in silenzio, in perfetta armonia con essa e col mondo. COMPLIMENTI!
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wow.. I am very much impressed by this scene of Venise Bridge! excellent colors too! wow.. bravo.

Thank you, Biliana

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Una cosa e' certa, questa immagine merita davvero molto.

Il lavoro che hai fatto e' davvero eccellente e, credimi, questa e' decisamente tra le piu' belle del genere che io abbia mai visto.

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